"Art upsets, science reassures" (Braque). Analyze and evaluate this claim.

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“Art upsets, science reassures” (Braque). Analyze and evaluate this claim

        Bakor Al-tayar-


At first view this statement can mean that art is not beautiful, and that science is- this view is the opposite of the general view of art and science that people hold. To average people art has the stereotype of being beautiful and soothing; science on the other hand holds the power for destruction. Art is something that is highly subjective and extremely hard to define- yet most objects can be differentiated by most people as being objects of art or mere simple objects. What is to be known is that there are various forms of art- such as paintings, poetry and music. Because of the complexity of the definition of art; the assumption that the reader knows what art is will be done and the definition will not be given. Science is a broad subject as well- there are various types of sciences fitting in three categories, natural sciences, social sciences and mathematics. The sciences that will be observed in the analysis of the given claim are the social sciences, and the natural sciences; as they are different from each other yet are still sciences. Mathematics is only a series of different usages of numbers to resolve problems- which is not a topic known by many although it is still very crucial to our society; thus why it will not be used to analyze the given claim.  The final point to this introduction is that the words upsetting and reassuring are very broad as well- the word “upsets” gives a connotation of negative feelings, and the word “reassuring” gives a connotation of positive feelings. For this reason various feelings that are categorized as positive and negative will be discussed in relation to the analysis of the given claim.

        The claim is much too general to be precisely correct; at this point it can be said that it is only partially correct. That is because there is art that upsets and science facts that reassure people, just as there are science facts that upset people and art that reassure people. The common trait that science and art share at this point is that both invoke feelings in people.

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        As mentioned before art can have a positive as well as a negative effect on people. To take superficial examples: a comedic play with a good moral such as the fables of Jean de la Fontaine- can be positive messages that invoke reassurance. On the other hand  play with a heavy theme, such as betrayal and confusion can be very destabilizing to the audience and can upset them.  

        As the given claim is about people in general, the most popular respectable art will be discussed in the analysis of the given claim- the Theater. The reason for which movies ...

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