Bahaus - Joost Schmidt Poster. This design is mainly composed of geometric shapes with is typical of the Bauhaus movement. Several words and numbers have been printed; the title Staatliches Bauhaus is there to show what the poster is about

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The Bauhaus building was a school of art, architecture and design characterized by geometric design, respect for practical material, and its severely economic sensibilities, a building that incorporated the basic principles of modern architecture.

The Bauhaus Movement was founded by Walter Gropius in 1919 in Germany and ended in the 1930’s.

Many posters have been made to spread the word of the Bauhaus building and one of them belonged to Joost Schmidt, a teacher at the Bauhaus. Schmidt (1893-1948) was a visionary typographer/graphic designer; his first typographical works date from 1923. He was a very dedicated designer, evidence of his dedication were displayed in his actions; he pursued his work as a graphic designer despite much resistance from the Nazis. Schmidt is best known for designing the famous poster for the 1923 Bauhaus Exhibition in Weimar. This work with its round and square motifs, recalls reliefs by Oskar Schlemmer.

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This design is mainly composed of geometric shapes with is typical of the Bauhaus movement. Several words and numbers have been printed; the title “Staatliches Bauhaus” is there to show what the poster is about, “1923” is to show what year the exhibition would be held, “JULI-SEPT” is to show the months of the exhibition, “Austellung” means exhibition in German so it is there to tell the viewer that it is an exhibition that they are advertising and “Weimar” is there to tell the viewer where the exhibition would be held. The word “Staatliches” is very small compared to ...

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