Dada and Surrealism Comparison.

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Dada and Surrealism Comparison

Freedom has been a word of power and persuasion throughout the ages of mankind.  From the beginning of our species and up through the present moment, freedom has been an idea that has provoked very intense feelings among people.  Our very own country was predicated on the notions of freedom and liberty.  So to believe that freedom didn’t play a role in the French avant garde  movement during the first half of the 20th century would be a mistake.  

        Andre Breton provided a very eloquent description in the Surrealist Manifesto concerning the part freedom had played in his surrealist intentions.  “The mere word ‘freedom’ is the only one that still excites me” (Breton, Surrealist Manifesto) speaks volumes about a man who dedicated his craft to living life in an unrestricted and edgy way.         

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        Capturing the essence of a moment through imagination seems to be a centralized depiction of all the avant garde years.  Leaning on imagination to relinquish all thoughts of mistake was a wonderful way to deal with the oppression that was plaguing France and Europe during this period.  Yes, freedom and imagination were definitely there from the beginning.

        Henri Rousseau, in a short autobiographical piece, believed “that complete freedom of production should be granted any initiator whose thoughts reach up toward the beautiful and good.”(The Banquet years, p.56)  Written in 1895, this short note gives us proper insight into what ...

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