The tariff paid for most improvements made by the federal government, such as roads, turnpikes, and canals. To keep tariffs low, the South preferred to do without these improvements; they also did the tariffs because they had to trade with other nations.
States versus Federal rights
The first government of the United States was under the . The weakness of the Articles made individuals create the . People felt that the constitution ignored the rights of states to act independently, resulting in the idea of , the states had the right to rule federal acts unconstitutional. The federal government denied states this right. When nullification did not work, states moved towards .
Slave states versus Free states
The Louisiana Purchase spurred debate over free and slave states with the Missouri Compromise. The debate ultimately began with the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and its three-fifths clause. The Missouri Compromise permitted slavery in the Louisiana Purchase south of 36°30’N latitude. During the Mexican War, conflict started over what would happen with the new territories that the US had gained. The South wanted Texas to be annexed so they would have greater power. David Wilmot proposed the Wilmot Proviso in 1846, banning slavery in the new lands. The Compromise of 1850 called for slavery in Arizona and New Mexico to be decided by popular sovereignty. The Kansas-Nebraska Act created two new territories allowed the states to use popular sovereignty to determine whether they would be free or slave. Proslavery Missourians poured into the state to vote for slavery, “border ruffians.” In reaction to the by pro- forces, killed five pro-slavery settlers. The fighting that occurred dubbed it “.” Abolitionist John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. He thought that slaves would help in the act in the slave rising he had planned; an abolitionist plan, but did not. John Brown was hanged for treason.
The most important abolitions spoke during the 1830s. For example, the renowned Sojourner Truth was one of them. Uncle Tom’s Cabin aided in turning the public against the Fugitive Slave Act. Abolitionists were strongly against the ruling of the Dred Scott Case; a territory could not choose slavery. In reaction to the by pro- forces, killed five pro-slavery settlers; a great action of abolitionism.
’s election
The South believed that Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favor of Northern interests. Before Lincoln was even president, ; South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. ’s election as president was viewed by the South as a threat to slavery and ignited the war.