General Franco ordered the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica on 26 April 1937.

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        General Franco ordered the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica on 26 April 1937. The German Lufwaffe, under his command, virtually destroyed the town. For the Spanish, Guernica symbolized liberty and a sense of pride. The bombing had significance with respect to history and to a greater extent, human meaning. It would change for ever the rules of war. The bombing provided the motivation for Picasso to paint a commission, from the Republican government, just prior to the bombing. The Spanish pavilion was home to the mural during the International Exhibition in Paris. The bombing had an immediate effect on intellectuals throughout Europe. Subsequent to the Spanish Civil War most of Europe and England considered communism a Russian issue, while fascism was a problem for Central Europe.

        Picasso had remained, throughout his early years, apolitical; leaning toward anarchism and, while in Paris, nihilism. For most of Europe, including the intellectuals, the events in Spain meant they could no longer be above the conflict. The issue of fascism against democracy became of primary concern. For Picasso, interest in politics concerned only the intellectual. During the inventive period of cubism and the years of QWorld War I his interests were purely artistic. His output of the twenties shows little concern for politics; yet in the thirties a tension exerted itself in his painting that paralleled the political events unfolding in Europe. Of equal significance for the artist's work of the period were the personal difficulties that he was undergoing. The beginning of the Spanish Civil War changed Picasso's attitude about politics. Picasso did not support Franco as originally believed. In May of 1937 he issued a statement giving his position. Prior to the bombing of Guernica, Picasso issued two etchings that responded to the horrors of the civil war.

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        Sueno y mentira de Franco were cut on the 8th and 9th of January. The etchings are cartoons and were not reverse compositions, requiring them to be viewed from right to left. The composition resulted from the artist's earlier studies of surrealist possibilities in artistic expression. The central figure is a polyp. The polyp that is a non-descriptive creature represents the Caudillo. Some of the scenes of the et chings are comical, some are obscene, while some evoke a horror in the viewer.

        Picasso received the Spanish pavilion commission January of 1937. With the energy and emotion that the bombing ...

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