Jenny Saville. This painting by Jenny Saville is named Rosetta and is a portrait of a blind woman. My first reaction to the painting is the piece has a very anguished feel
Jenny Saville
This painting by Jenny Saville is named ‘Rosetta’ and is a portrait of a blind woman. My first reaction to the painting is the piece has a very anguished feel to it due to the angle the woman’s face is painted and the cold tones of the paint used. Through looking at the subject of the painting feelings of distress and anger are portrayed to me. The brush strokes are harsh and strong, this makes the painting appear unrealistic but increases the anger shown within the painting. The main colour within this painting is definitely the blue of the background, which contrasts well with the red of the lips, which seem to be the centre of the painting. The reds and pinks of the lips appear quite vivid in comparison to the rest of the painting. I like the way the painting appears as if it has lots of texture and unusualness, however this is not a painting that I would want in my home no matter the size, the coldness of it is too much. But to view this piece for its artistically portrayed emotions makes me like it, it is a good example of how the way you paint something and the tone of the colours used can really have an impact.