KYLE presents a disaster scene in his acrylic painting Obliteration. The painting depicts, what can be seen as, a tsunami consuming ocean front property

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Sara Barrett

Rebecca Soppe


24 October 2012

KYLE: Obliteration Analysis Paper

     KYLE presents a disaster scene in his acrylic painting Obliteration. The painting depicts, what can be seen as, a tsunami consuming ocean front property. The painting shows a man in, what looks like, a orange rescue coveralls. It shows a house and hotel being swallowed up by the tsunami sized waves. It shows debris from the remnants of wood and metal from houses and hotels. It shows Hurricane Andrew who hit Florida in the 1990s. Hurricane Andrew created tsunami sized waves that consumed towns and killed many people.

     The painting is positioned so you see a man in front holding onto a metal pipe looking over his shoulder, almost, at the catastrophe behind him. The man is standing in front of a car that has been smashed and crushed by debris. Kyle painted it so you  can see a hotel and a house in the middle of the picture that is sinking into the waves of the ocean. There is debris in all corners of the painting that is being carried away by the raging waters. The picture has a darkish theme, where the light of the sky is hidden by clouds from the storm. The water shows reflections of the sinking buildings. The picture gives the viewer a since of the tragedy by how the waves surround the buildings and the debris and take them away. Showing hurricane Andrews full force and how it destroyed the town.

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     Since KYLE uses realistic images of what you might see if you were caught in a storm like Hurricane Andrew, he relies on the body language of the man and the destruction of buildings to convey the message in this painting. The body language of the man shows that he is trying to run from what is happening behind him by the way he is stretched out, with his legs spread apart while his knees are bent and his right arm is stretched out straight holding onto a bar and his left arm is positioned like he is ...

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