A description of the use of ICT for internal and external communications of the business.

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Task 6

E5, C3, A1:

A description of the use of ICT for internal and external communications of the business.

There are many internal and external communications within a company or business such as the following:

* Internal:

* Email May be used when fellow employees want to stay in contact, or other important things have to be shared.

* Telephone:

* Is used when contacting employees, as they may ask if they could do extra hours, or they are unable to come, or another form of illness.

* Newsletters:

* May be used to advertise McDonalds telling them about sale figures, good quality service etc.

* External:

* Intranet, e-mails, faxes or internet e-commerce may be set up for the working employees, giving information about the company, pay rates, shifts that they may work, etc.

The use of ICT has increased having computers generating and managing information flows. A computer-based management information system provides the means to communicate, collect, store, summarise, analyse and present information in a way, which suits needs of managers.

Computer systems can help organisations in many ways such as the following:

* Produce complex information

* Increase job satisfaction

* Collect information at source

* React to changes in the businesses environment

* Communicate via the internet

* Provide administration support

* Produce complex information:

A computer normally tends to process and communicate complex information. It also enables it to quickly identify developments within organisations like McDonalds that could threaten business objectives. It may be due to for example a sudden rise in unit costs or disappointing

Computers have become an integral part of modern day life and are becoming increasingly important as teaching and training tools. In the work place and many other educational institutes computers and networks have become commonplace. This allows companies such as McDonalds and educational establishments to utilise many possible computer training and education techniques.

Today the use of computer based training and education covers a very broad spectrum of uses. Many companies now use computers in staff training and education. Computers are used as both a resource to present information and as a tool to develop practical expertise in staff.

McDonalds believe that computers can be used as a resource to present information because of presentation programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint. This presentation package can be used for basic training such as an employee induction; the presentation could give information about the company and what the employees will be doing.

Computers can also be used as tools because they can help develop employees practical skills e.g. an employee who would be working with the companies database would probably be trained on a "dummy database" this would allow the employee to build up practical skills. Among the many benefits of computer-based training the major benefit to an employer is the reduced cost. As they do not have to send people away on courses which mean they don't have to pay for travel or accommodation. So the investment in a suitable training scheme often pays for itself, as the computers are already available.

The only drawback McDonalds think is that the computer based training courses can be impersonal and the employee may have to be a computer literate to do the course. One of the other advantages is that staff can train when they like at there own desks on the computer. The downside to this is that they are being taught by a computer, which cannot explain to the employee what they did wrong when they make a mistake, although some training packages may be able to do this to an extent.

The major benefit to the people being trained close to McDonalds is the convenience as they do not have to travel away and can learn in there own time. They can also get immediate feedback on how well they are doing. The only real disadvantage to using computer-based training is the impersonal touch of being taught by a computer.

* Integrating the functions:

In modern organisation, there is far more integration of functions than ever before. The prime drivers of this change have been the emphasis on serving the customer and the use and application of information and communications technology. The use of ICT in an organisation makes it possible for functional areas to share the same information, and to work collaboratively using this pool of information, and information-creating and -handling capacity. For example, client databases can be used for accounting purposes (e.g. handling and processing customer accounts), marketing purposes (e.g. researching the needs of customers) or administrative purposes (handling the paperwork related to customers, etc.).

Increasingly, McDonalds have seen the redesign of business processes (i.e. business activities) so that these processes are focused on meeting the customer needs. Very often this has involved the creation of work cells (cellular working) made up of a number of people from a number of functions who work together in carrying out one specific process involved in meeting customer requirements. Functions are thus integrated to concentrate on a particular process.

McDonalds need to communicate with a range of individuals and organizations, including their customers, their competitors and their suppliers. As well as there own employees. Good communication within McDonalds is essential if that McDonalds is to operate effectively.

McDonalds need to be able to identify the communication channels that exist within businesses and the effect these have on the quality of communication. You should be able to compare different channels of communication, including:

• internal and external

• formal and informal

• upward and downward

• open and restricted.

It is important you understand the relationship between effective communication and the achievement of business objectives.

Information and communication technology (ICT) has had a dramatic effect on the way communication takes place in business. You need to be able to identify and understand where ICT has changed the means of communicating within a business, and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of current development in ICT for business.

McDonalds need to have good, clear paths of communication so that:

* Everyone is clear about objectives.

* There is smooth and accurate communication both within the organisation (internal communication) and between the organisation and other individuals, bodies and groups (external communication).

* Everyone in the organisation is kept informed of developments and changes.

* Ideas and views are clearly heard.

* New ideas can bubble up through the organisation.

* People don't feel frustrated - 'nobody listens to me

* The organisation and its members can respond quickly to new developments, etc.

* The communication process:

The process of communication involves a transmitter (or sender) sending messages to receivers. A transmitter should put information into a form the receivers can understand, and this might involve oral, written or visual messages. This process is known as encoding. The transmitter chooses a particular medium to use to send messages to the receivers - letter, report, fax, phone call, email, web site, etc. The receivers then interpret the messages through a process of decoding.

* The Leaky bucket theory:

The communication of information and ideas can be likened to transferring water by bucket from the tap in your kitchen to parched plants in your garden. A 'good' bucket will not let any of the water escape, so you can carry out the job in an efficient way. However, many of us rely on leaky buckets. The more holes in the bucket and the further the distance from tap to flower bed, the less efficient the system will be. The greater the need the plants have for water and the more holes there are in the bucket, the greater will our frustration be in the process.

Though a message flows from the sender to receivers, there is no guarantee the receivers will either receive the full message or even understand it. This is because the process may involve communication problems. These communication problems are known as 'noise', and this may weaken or destroy the message being sent.
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The following are a few examples of 'noise':

* Language problems. The language used may not be fully understood, particularly if a receiver comes from a different background from the sender or has considerably less knowledge (technical or otherwise).

* Jumping to conclusions. The receiver might read into the message what he or she expects to see rather than what is really there.

* Lack of interest. The receiver may not be prepared to listen to the message. The message has to be designed to appeal to the listener.

* Competing environment. Background sounds ...

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