Barclays Investigating a Business

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Investigating Business

In this unit I am aiming to study the objectives and aims that not-for-profit and profit businesses try to achieve. In this unit it will be split into 4 main sections which consist of:

  • Describing the main objectives and aims of the business and how external environment factors have affected the ability of the business to achieve their aims and objectives, using Barclays Bank for examples.
  • Explaining how enterprise skills, marketing activities and teams have contributed to the success of the business.
  • Analysing how enterprise skills, marketing activities and teams have contributed to the success of the business.
  • Judge how the business has achieved its main objectives and aims and evaluate the key factors that have contributed to this.

Barclays Bank is a Public Limited company (plc) which specialises in financial services. Through being a PLC this means Barclays sells shares (£6.80) which means part of the company is owned by shareholders. Although Barclays is UK based it has many organisations worldwide such as USA, Africa and Asia. The first Barclays Bank can be traced back to as early as 1896 and today is the third largest bank in the United Kingdom. However, by total assets Barclays is in fact the largest bank in the world.

Barclays Bank specialises in five main sections consisting of UK banking, International Retail and Commercial Banking, Barclays Capital, Wealth Management and Barclaycard. Each section consists of separate segments explaining how best to manage and invest your money.

UK Banking

Barclays provides an easy way for banking through; cash machines, the branch network, online banking, telephone banking and relationship managers.

These sections are then split into two separate sections; UK retail banking and UK Business banking.

UK Retail Banking

At present Barclay’s UK retail banking provide 14 million retail customers with services including savings, current account, mortgages (Woolwich) and general insurance.

UK Business Banking

Barclays provides banking to medium sized and large businesses.

Expansion of Barclay Card

International Retail and Commercial Banking

Barclays runs over 800 international branches. These provide a variety of banking services consisting of current accounts, investments, savings, loans and mortgages as well as providing for business customers across India, Italy, Portugal, Africa, France, Spain and the Middle East. It is also accountable for Barclay’s majority stake in Asba (South Africa’s largest retail bank) which has over eight million customers.

From this we can see that Barclays has already successfully expanded internationally and provides a wide range of products. With their growing clientele Barclays need to ensure they maintain their high standards and quality of advertisements for both existing and potential customers.

Barclays Capital

This is the investment banking section of Barclays PLC. Barclay’s capital provides large government, business and institutional clients with solutions to their financing and risk management needs. They have the global reach to provide world wide and meet the needs of their target market.

Barclay’s capital could appeal to a large number of governments, businesses and institutional clients worldwide as they already maintain an international customer base. If Barclays were to expand their Barclays Capital it would largely improve their brand name and market share.

Wealth Management

Barclays is proudly responsible for being one of the leading wealth managers in the UK. It provides world wide a range of services including private banking, stockbroking, financial planning, offshore banking and asset management.

As Barclays is already known for being ‘one of the leading wealth managers in the UK’ it would be beneficial for them to aim to expand further internationally as they already uphold a leading brand name.


UK’s first credit card which can be used to pay for goods and services on more than 24 million places in over 150 countries. They can also be used to withdraw cash form banks and 1 million cash machines world wide.

Internationally Barclaycard operates in Ireland, Spain, United States, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Germany and across Africa.

Barclaycard has already been very successful expanding globally as it can be used in over 150 countries. Through expansion Barclays takes a step closer to one of its main objectives; to build the best bank in the UK. Through further expansion Barclaycard may begin to monopolise the credit card market.

In this report I will be exploring how Barclays Bank’s objectives effect the business.

Barclays Objectives

Barclays has three main objectives:

  • Build the best bank in the UK
  • Develop retail and commercial banking activities in selected countries outside the UK
  • Enhance operational excellence 

Build the Best Bank in the UK

Barclay’s objective to ‘build the best bank in the UK’ is mainly aimed at customers. The only way to gain a large market share is through a large customer base.

By having a large market share it will enable Barclays name to be well known and therefore increase their customer base as they will be portrayed as a well run business. This will therefore increase motivation for workers knowing they work in a well known business and creating a superior outlook on the company.

In the long run if Barclays were to reach their goal and ‘Build the best bank in the UK’ it would increase their profit margins immensely as they would have the largest market share compared to any other bank.

However, this will come at a cost as they’d need to build new branches in order to expand. Extra costs would also be used for wages for staff and materials such as cash machines, stationary and technology.

As Barclays aims to be ‘the best in the UK’ it would mean a considerable amount of things that they can be ‘best’ at. This may meant he best for their employees, the best for their customers or the best for their shareholders. Shareholders share value may increase as Barclays expands therefore the interest in Barclays will grow as they increase in value.

I don’t really believe that this is a SMART objective as it can mean many different things. It needs to be specific about what it wants to be ‘best’ at in order to achieve what they are aiming for. Also, there are many other banks that will have the same objective so Barclays needs to personalise it for their personal needs.

Develop Retail and Commercial Banking Activities in Selected Countries outside the UK

By aiming to ‘Develop retail and commercial banking activities in selected countries outside the UK’ Barclays have created a profit driven objective. Wanting to expand internationally can mean high profit however there’s also a high risk such as the cost of expanding, mistreatment of employees and needing to cater for cultural differences.

Through becoming a world wide business Barclays has already increased their market share immensely. Internationally at present Barclays have 815 branches which are occupied with a total of 33,700 employees. This shows that many people are motivated to work for Barclays, may this be because they are well known throughout the world or because they are treated as a crucial part of the business.  

By expanding Barclays it could in the long run increase all aspects of their business such as profit, motivation of staff, a well known name and a high opinion of the organisation.

However, as this isn’t a customer based aim it may mean that stakeholders are neglected and not given the high standards of what they would get if Barclays were just specialised within the UK.

I believe this is a SMART objective as Barclays is already an international company so they know how to expand. However I think this objective also needs to be more specific as to where they want to expand to in order to get the full potential from customers.

Enhance Operational Excellence

‘Enhance operational excellence’ can lead to a smooth well run business. This aim is mainly customer driven as if they improve the efficiency of Barclays it will improve the business for their customers.

Through increasing communication and bettering technology it may be costly to begin with, however in the long run it can lead to a more efficient organisation. This could mean larger profit margins and more motivated workers but mainly it will improve their status.

They will be seen as a smooth well run business able to handle problems with good communicational skills and well trained staff. This will keep staff motivated to work for this type of organisation that will only improve the running of it.

Although there are many benefits to an ‘operation excellence’ there are down turns such as the cost of improving Barclays. Staff may need further training and technology may need to be updated. This could mean shareholders dividends will be spent on improving the business and customers neglected while work is being done.

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I believe this is their smartest objective as it can improve the running of the company and although there are many risks, Barclays is financially stable and needs to take chances in order to succeed in being a well run company.


Comparative Aims and Objectives

All businesses have main objectives ...

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