BTEC Level 3 In this assignment I will be going to assess how Nike could improve its operations ethically

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Unit 37 M1

In this assignment I will be going to assess how Nike could improve its operations ethically in relation to my points brought up in the P task.


Although Nike may have little control over other nations’ labor practices, it should strive to ensure safe working conditions. Engineers should try to use chemicals that are safer for both humans and the environment when possible, and proper ventilation systems should be installed inside of factories to ensure that workers are able to breathe fresh air and work in cooler environments. Nike should hire independent inspectors to ensure compliance with local rules and regulations. Upon discovering a violation, sub contractors should be given a warning and a chance to rectify the situation. Should violations continue after the warning, Nike should cease doing business with that particular subcontractor and choose another one instead.

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Labour laws should be dealt with on the local level. Not every country follows the same rules and regulations concerning labour and hiring practices and not every country has the same views on what constitutes childhood and what a child should and should not experience at a certain age. However Nike must insure that no child labour is taking place in their business, if not for the business but for the community their factories are in and the families of the children as child labour has many consequences that effect children dramatically.



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