P2 The difference between capital and revenue items of expenditure and income

For this assignment I will attempt to explain the difference between capital and revenue items of expenditure and income. I will do so by defining capital income, capital expenditure, revenue income, and revenue expenditure.

Capital Income

Capital is money or value contributed by the owner of a business to get the business started or to buy equipment. For a sole trader there is just one owner so that one person has to raise all of the capital required, but limited companies may have many shareholders who all contribute. The figure for fixed capital may increase each year if profits are retained in the business. A sole trader introducing additional money to the business can raise additional capital through private funding e.g. family/friends or by getting a business loan but banks are understandably reluctant to lend without security, so the sole trader may have to raise funds by offering security in the form of the private residence.

Revenue income

The company earns revenue income by selling products or providing services.

Income Generated from Sales

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Sales can be for cash or as a credit transaction. Cash sales are often best because the business receives the money for the sale immediately. However, business will often have to offer credit facilities to encourage growth in sales. Credit sales involve the organisation supplying the goods or services to the customer but allowing the customer time to pay for the item.    

Income generated from rent

If a business owns property that it rents out to another company or person, the rental income received will be a source or revenue income for that business. Therefore if there ...

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