Business Communication Methods

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Know how to communicate using appropriate methods

The new employees at ASDA are having difficulties using and understanding how to use the electronic methods of communicating in the business. This is why I will create a table explaining how to use them giving the new employees training in how to correctly use this equipment.

Electronic methods of communication in business

Method (what is the method and describe in your own words why you would use it) Suitable Recipients (tell me 3 different people who would receive this electronic method and why you would send this method to them)

E-mail - Electronic mail

This is used for sending and receiving messages to other people, friends and family. This is a cheap way to get in contact with people and is even cheaper to send an email rather that to write a letter or to make a phone call. Emails can be sent to one another almost instantly and both the sender and receiver get a copy of he message which is useful for reference. Emails are easy to store because they are sent digitally making them easy to store to the users hard drive.  

I would use an email to contact my manager, other staff within the business and customers.  I would send an email to customers with details of special offers or if a customer purchases online I will send an email telling them when they will be expecting their delivery. When sending an email I will have to be careful in the language

The people who use emails will have to be careful what they write and send to other people. This is because if someone was to send a email to a friend they may not use full English and may not fully complete words ex, l8 (late) or cya (see you) but if that same person was to send a email to their manager they would need to write the message out clearly and understandable by anyone.

Young people round the age of 14 to 17 may use words like l8 or cya, but young adults aged 18 upwards would be using the correct English because they may be sending emails to members of staff or manager.

Emails are rely easy to use and are used by both females and males. People usually pick up how to send emails at an early age by using msn to talk to friends and family.

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 When writing a email the sender must make sure that the email is suitable for the reader. The message must keep the reader wanting to read the message because some people may have a short attention span and might get bored of reading pages and pages of writing so maybe by adding some pictures and may make the reader want to read the message.

Mobile phone

These are used for fast communications, enabling quick feedback and discussion.

I could use a mobile phone to get in contact with a number of people, my manager, ...

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