Aims and Objectives of Tesco
- To maximise sales
- To grow and maintain the number one retail company in the UK
- Tesco wants to outshine their competitors and remain the market leader
- To maximise profit
- To provide goods/services that is cheap and affordable to consumers or the public.
Aims and Objectives for Lewisham College
- To provide the best service of education to all its students
- To create successful futures
P2 – A Description of the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two organizations.
A stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has attentiveness or concern in an organization, stakeholders can be affected and affect the organisation’s actions, objectives and policies. Some examples of stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government, owners and suppliers.
The key stakeholders in a business include:
Customers – customers have concern in a business because the company has to produce high-quality, value-for-money-products. Customers will often identify with the brands they purchase and like options that give them better value for money. Customers are also stakeholders because they are the people who want the business to produce quality products at reasonable prices.
Customers influence Tesco because they can give them customer feedback which helps them to continuously improve their products and services which will them attract more customers to the business and this will help them gain more profit because the customers are the ones who are buying Tesco’s products.
Lewisham College doesn’t have customers so the equivalent would be the students that attend the college. They influence Lewisham College because the students are the ones who will be benefiting from the services that Lewisham College has to offer and also how well the students do in achieving their goals they have set for themselves gives the college feedback which will then influence other people to attend the college.
Employees – Employee’s stake in businesses is that the company provides them with a livelihood and they seek security of employment, promotion opportunities and good rates of reward. Also the employees may want to work for a business that they are proud of.
Tesco employees have a strong influence on the business and the way that the business is run. Tesco employees have a stake in the business in the form of wages, bonuses and discounts. If the staff are not trained well in dealing with customers that can affect the business because customers will not want to come back to the business due to a bad experience they have had with the company and it is likely they will tell someone else which then forms an opinion in that persons mind, and so on and so on.
Lewisham College employees also have a stake in the college in the form of wages and bonuses. Teachers and other members of staff have an impact on the business because if they cannot deal with students in the right manner or there is an serious altercation with a student this affects the college because that student may leave and pass on their bad experience to potential students which would then form a negative opinion about the college and would put people off applying.
Suppliers – suppliers want steady orders and rapid payment, suppliers also want to feel valued by the company that they supply.
Suppliers stock Tesco with all its business supplies, if they suppliers are late then it causes conflict between the business and the suppliers. It is vital that all the business supplies are on time and they are one of the most important parts of the business because they provide Tesco with the products and if they are not efficient is gives the business a financial threat because they will have no stock to supply to their customers
Suppliers are important to Lewisham College because if the college has to supply students with certain items and the suppliers are not on time it causes conflict with the college and the supplier but it also makes the college look unreliable and gives a bad impression to the students.
Government – the government want businesses to be successful and want people to have jobs and to pay taxes. They also want to see well-off businesses that take a full responsibility in looking after the well-being of society.
The government are also one of Tesco’s stakeholders because they are one ones that familiarize new legislation and laws that Tesco and other business must abide by and also tax.
The government also influence Lewisham College because they set laws and regulations the college have to follow in order to be able to run and if they don’t follow or abide by those rules they can get closed down or be faced with legal action.