Shabina Khanam Q27303        AVCE Business



All organisations require resources to carry out their business functions. A way of judging the success of a business is to compare the resources the business uses with the value of the product that results. One way of considering the resources used by business is to classify them into factors of production. The main factors of production are capital, labour and land.

        Capital refers to any manufactures product used by the business to make other products. This category therefore includes all machinery, vehicles and office equipment used in the business. It also includes the companies building.

        Labour is the human resource used by business organisation during production. It refers to the input of physical and mental activity of the employee.

        Land in the context of this classification is not only the site on which the business is located, but also all the natural resources it might use. So resources consumed by the business, such as coal, gas, oil and water are classified as land.

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        Some economists would add enterprise to the list of factors of production. Enterprise refers to the role of the people who risk their money in establishing and operating the business. The other resources would not be put to use without the catalyst of entrepreneurs wiling to invest their money and take the risk.

        All businesses combine factors of production as an essential part of their production activities. To combine these factors, to engage in production and to achieve their objectives organisations undertake a number of ...

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