M1: Demonstrate how to manage the SMART targets set out in your career plan.

SMART targets provide a clear outline of what needs to be done and how the outcome will be assessed.

S – Specific target meaning I have set myself a specific target and aim which is after choosing university I would be studying business management, as I know after college I still would want to carry on with business further in the future. If I haven’t set a Specific target then this would mean I wouldn’t know what to do and if I have chosen a different course and it didn’t benefit me in the future it would be no use as I would be wasting my time so it’s vital that I know what I want to do for my career. 


M - Measurable, achieving targets which are being recorded and also checked regularly. As I set myself of having 100% attendance and punctuality as it would help me at university and look good on my UCAS profile as they would take me serious and know I am keen to study everyday without taking a day off as they take attendance and punctuality very seriously. I would make sure I wake up early for my lessons and come in college before 10mins registration so I would have time to get everything sorted before the lesson starts and also coming into college everyday which would improve my attendance. If I do not monitor my attendance then this would affect me as they might not take me in as my attendance has gone down this would look bad on my reference as they wouldn’t take me serious as they might not think I’m reliable and not keen to study.   

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A –Achievable meaning by I would able to achieve my aims and targets. By end of this year I am aiming for double destination for BETC business level 3. I would be making sure I have done all my work the pass and merit work which I can do all destination work for all units which I gain a double destination by end of the year so I can get accepted in university. As it’s very competitive today to get into university I would have to be careful on what university I apply to as they all have different ...

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