I.C.T & Society

I am a 16 years old boy, and go to Alexandra Park School.

I.C.T has affected me throughout my life, from before I was born to now.

I.C.T affected me before I was born, my mum had an “Ultra Scan.” This Ultra Scan communicates with the user by showing them images of the baby before it is born. These images can be used to detect how many weeks old the baby is, how the baby is progressing & how healthy it is.

After I was born I.C.T still affected me. When I was registered I.C.T was used to store information about me. This included things such as my names, parents names, place of birth and date of birth. When I was registered information was stored on a database, a database is a collection of data arranged for ease & speed of retrieval. Also a copy was printed for my parents purposes, which is also I.C.T. This information is used as proof of Identity throughout my life.

When I was a little bit older around 3 years old, I.C.T still affected me. At this age I was going to nursery. At nursery there was a computer which stored information about all children on a spreadsheet. This was incase of emergency and a parent had to be contacted immediately. The alternate choice of the spreadsheet would be to handwrite all information and then file. The disadvantage of doing that is some information may get lost or misplaced, also in an emergency searching for files in a cabinet may be time consuming. Also having handwritten files takes up a lot of space.


When I started Infant School at around 6 years old, I.C.T still affected me. When I started school I sometimes walked. Whilst walking to school I came across Traffic Lights. I.C.T controls the sequences & speeds of the lights, traffic Lights are I.C.T because it informs the pedestrian of when to cross the road. This improves my Quality of Life as it makes it safer for me to cross the road. I joined and started to use the library. Each book has a barcode which is used to check out books. The information on the bar code sets out the name of the book, what date it is given out and the date it should be returned.

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When I started Primary School at around 9 years old, I.C.T started to affect me differently. At this age I started to use I.C.T more frequently.

I would browse the internet which is an international network of computers. The internet has two main parts, World Wide Web and Email. The internet is I.C.T as it communicates & informs the user. The internet has a lot of information and can be accessed anywhere in the world providing there is a PC and a  telephone line available. To connect to the internet, I use a  modem to dial up a computer ...

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