Interview Roleplaying. Evaluate your experience of planning and participating in the recruitment and selection process

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Tarik Williams Unit 13 M2 and D2


  1.  Analyse your own contribution to the selection process

In task 2 of unit 13, I (and the rest of my group) was assigned to do a roleplaying activity. Where one side were interviewers and the other were interviewees. In this case, I was an interviewer with two other people from my group.

We were first assigned to prepare questions for the applicants. As a group, we had to communicate with each other in order to create professional questions. During this process, I was to write down all the ideas given by my group and sometimes give my own suggestions. I believe this was done with great communication and no issues were present at this time.  

During the roleplaying, I believe me and my group performed rather well as managers. I carried out my role in a professional manner and asked additional questions. I also had good eye contact and often smiled. However, I did have a few faults. I had closed arms to begin with and kept changing the way I asked questions, which was unfair for some. Overall the roleplaying stage of the assignment went smoothly (despite the short absence of one of our group members).

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I don’t believe I carried out my role to the best of my ability. There were still some areas that needed improving. Firstly, I didn’t allow much fairness when interviewing applicants. In order for me to tackle this problem, I would need to present candidates with the same questions with no differences involved.                    

Furthermore, some of the questions asked were not up to par. During the roleplaying, we noticed that we had accidently added 1-2 closed questions. Had I looked through our list of questions properly a day before hand, this ...

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