Managment Case Study - Pope John Paul and the Catholic Church

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Q1) How do the following evaluate the catholic church’s effectiveness: (a) the pope; (b) the curia; (c) the parish priest; (d) the typical catholic layperson?


  1. In our view, Pope John Paul 2 the CEO of the world’s largest organization-Roman Catholic Church- is following the “Goal Approach” in evaluating the effectiveness of this huge organization. As his press secretary stated “He wants things to be done”, so he emphasizes on achievement of the goals by telling his subordinates what to do and letting them do their jobs.

  1. The Curia: It is using “Systems Resource Approach” to measure the effectiveness of Church.  It is concerned with how they are handled being an important sub-part of the system. Pope’s attention gave them the sense of purpose and a feeling that effectiveness depends upon successful interactions and dependency on others’ activities.
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  1. The Parish Priest: A parish Priest is using “Goal Approach” to measure the effectiveness of the Church. They just emphasize on the end results. Until and unless schools, hospitals and orphanages are working smoothly and showing results; they think Church as an entity operating effectively.

  1. The Typical Catholic Layperson: In our view a Catholic layperson evaluates the Church’s effectiveness by the performance of the clergy. A common Catholic will just want the Church to follow all Catholic principles and give him/her the output in terms of guidance and problem solution.


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