Marketing case studies - Asda and John Lewis

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Task 2 meeting consumers’ needs

ASDA meet the needs of customers by providing a large Varity of products and services at competitive prices. The changing of products introduces new ranges, i.e. introduction of home furniture. ASDA understands what customers want and give them a range of products and prices to choose from.

Keeping ahead of competition

ASDA are continually advertising to promote new products and services, developing and introducing new ranges and continually identifying what customers want, offering value for money, monitoring the competition and providing customers with what they want.

Communicating effectively with customers

ASDA communicate effectively with consumers through different forms of advertising and promotion. This includes TV, adverts, newspapers, magazines, to support new promotions, catalogue for ASDA direct for convience, there website, in store sales promotion, signs, customer service desk and the employees that work within the store. ASDA promote the phones that they sell via all the above, offering special offers to encourage the customers to purchase them.

Utilising new technology

Customers can shop online ordering products from home delivery, including food, clothing and electrical etc. ASDA have utilized technology to improve performance, hence the global retailer. ASDA sell electric products, they have moved in to the communication industry, selling phones, using self servicing checkouts to improve efficiency. They have advanced system monitor the progress of the promotional offer.

ASDA marketing mix


ASDA offer a wide range of products and services to its customers, As well does John Lewis. ASDAs clothing range is called George. It is a simple clothing range which is offered to them at a low price and it meets the demands of its customers. ASDA don’t sell popular brand names because they offer cheaper products and they would have to sell more products than john Lewis to make the same money.


ASDA is known for its low prices and value for money therefore reasonable quality and fashion aimed at the market that are more priced orientated than image orientated. But John Lewis is the opposite of this because they are more about the price and the image, for example they say you get what you pay for. But with ASDA it is more fashionable that’s why they had a celebrity promoting the cloths, because it’s cheap.


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ASDA provide different alternatives for purchasing their George range, this includes, good store locations such as Walton, Aintree, Breck road and Bootle. These are various locations with transportation links.  You can also get the items from the websites and the directory. There is also a George store which just sells the clothing range.


ASDA George range is normally promoted on billboards. But they also promote in other ways like for example in magazines, newspapers, television and in the store. They also have a celebrity promoting the cloths so when people see her in the cloths they want ...

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