Objetives,Stakeholders and Responsibilities of Warwickshire College

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Fernando Del Rio Perez


An organisation is an arrangement of people pursuing common goals, achieving results and standards of performance. There are many different types of organisations and they come in all forms, shapes and sizes.

Setting the strategic plan is the starting point of managerial actions. An organisation’s end results for which an organization strives is termed as “mission, vision, objectives, and goals.

In addition, once that the strategy is set up, the organization must start to take actions to meet several responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders.

The purpose of this report is to identify the mission, objectives and responsibilities of an organisation as well as the actions carried out to the success of the organisation.

  1. Mission, Values and Objectives

  1. .Mission

Mission statement works in an organisation giving purpose and primary objectives.

Likewise it is the determination of core functions that the company will play in a given environment to achieve this mission.

In addition, the mission defines the needs to satisfy, the costumers to achieve, and products and services to offer.

The characteristics of a good mission are the following : concrete, motivational and possible.

According to Vern McGinnis, a mission should:

  • Define what the company is
  • Define what the company aspires to be
  • Distinguish the company from all others

With the mission we will be able to know what kind of business that the business the company focusess on and to which business can pursue in the future, therefore it has to closely follow the vision and values.

Vision: it is a complementary element of the mission that drives and energizes the actions to be carried out in the company. Therefore helping the strategic purpose is fulfilled.

To sum up, every company should ask itself “why does the organization exist?”

  1. .Mission types

Broad mission: this type of mission lets the organisation have a flexible leeway which can cause confusion, because members of the company have no clear vision of the organisation.

Narrow mission: to limit the future development of the organisation this allows it to focus in one direction, avoiding confusion.

  1. .Example the declaration of the mission

Mission of Argos


The mission of this organisation is to respond to changing customer expectations, enhance our reputation and manage their resources more effectively and efficiently.

  1. .Values

The values are those ethical judgments about real or imagined situations to which we are more inclined by their degree of personal and social skills..

The values of the company are the most important pillars of any organization. As a matter of fact, values define a company, since the values of an organization are the values of its members, and especially of their leaders.

Employers should develop virtues such as temperance, prudence, justice and the strength to be transmitters of true leadership.

 Values are necessary to produce changes for progress and they are held in very complex conditions. Also, they cannot be a simple statement

  1.  Importance of values in a company

  • The values are very important for a company because they are major driving forces of how we do our job.
  • Allows positioning an entrepreneurial culture.
  • They set standards for decision making.
  • Suggest upper limits of performance on the goals set
  • They achieve a low employee turnover.

  1.  Types of values in an organization

We can categorize by type of values:

  • Physical values: Maximum Utilization of Resources, Reliability, Safety
  • Organizational Values: Communications, Cooperation (Teamwork), Freedom for Initiative of Employees
  • Psychological Values: Creativity, Integrity, Continuous Improvement

  1. . Objectives

All organizations exist to pursue objectives of one description or another. It is important to understand the nature of organizational goals as these will affect, the way the organization makes purchases, sets prices or pursues a market share strategy. Whether somebody is selling to or competing with another organization, a study of the organization´s objectives will help to understand how it is likely to respond to changes in its environment.

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The objectives need to follow the SMART criteria:

  • Specific - the objective should state exactly what is to be achieved.
  • Measurable - an objective should be capable of measurement
  • Achievable - the objective should be realistic given the circumstances in which it is set and the resources available to the business.
  • Relevant - objectives should be relevant to the people responsible for achieving them
  • Time Bound - objectives should be set with a time-frame in mind.

  1. Types of objectives

It is widely believed that the most important ...

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