Why did I choose primary research?
The dominant reason of choosing primary data is that it was easy to carry out the primary data helped me in finding out how many pupils like to drink water. Primary data also helped me in identifying in student’s age and year groups. The primary data is vital because it gave me a feedback about what people think about water. Before the primary data I don’t know what people think about water but primary data helped me in identifying feedback of people towards water. The primary data allowed me to know that most of the pupils can get water from water fountain in the school. In these 30 questionnaires 13 were females while the rest 17 were males.
Primary research has many dominant advantages and that’s the reason I have choose to carry out my primary research through questionnaire. Carrying out primary research is easy to obtain information. The information could in the form of questionnaire or either focus groups. The primary research was very quick and information is reliable. .Questionnaire could be simple and small in size, so it’s easy for people to fill it out. The questionnaires can be use in free time. The use of primary research through questionnaire method was very thriving as I obtain a lot of information about differ people such as differentiate their age, their choices, and recommendations about water.
Secondary Research: -
Secondary research uses data that has been collected for other objectives than the companies own or the data already exists.
The secondary research will be carried out through internet. I will be looking at different website to collect as most details as possible. I will reference these websites along with dates. The secondary research will asking school canteen about water sales. The main questions will include such as “how many bottle of water they sell each day, each week and each month. The back up information will be from Thames Water Company. To get the information about Thames water I have to research in independent grocers which is a retail magazine and some marketing agencies such as Mental.
The methods that I used was looking at the Internet, Newspaper articles and physically interviewing the canteen staff in the school. The reason I have choose this methods is because the information was already available. The news article already has some graph chart which gives me clear information about different people and different things. The internet articles were easy to access. The interview with the staff was more thriving because it gave me a wide quantity of knowledge about the water sales in the school. Secondary research helped me to achieved straight results and knows the product in further details.
Internet research: -
My internet researches are following from different websites;
Times Online: -
Irish tap water being sold as bottled
26 different companies in Irish are selling tap waters in bottles with out telling to their customers. The health authority said that “It’s okay as long as the water is safe to drink”. The FSAI has refused to set down an investigation team for researching on it. Further article is in the following link.
The Guardian: -
London's new drinking fountains a challenge to bottled water industry
London will be soon setting up water fountains as 400,000 people pass through Hammersmith annually. This is a huge challenge for water companies because their annual sale figures are £1.5 billion. According to a report 13 billion plastic bottles of all types sold in the UK last year. Further article is in the following link.
Mantel: -
Sports and energy drinks - Sales race ahead to the billion pound mark
The race means competition in this article. As Mintel research shows that sports and energy drinks set to hit £1 billion finishing line. After healthy growth of 51% in the last 4 years, the companies made a sale of £941 million. More then £12 million people in England actively involved in sports. The demand of these drinks goes up.
School canteen research: -
I have carried out a secondary research by asking a member of staff in the canteen. After a short interview I came to point that they their sales figurers are approximately 25 bottles per day. Each bottle cost 80p. There are two kind of water they sell in school that are; Still water and fizzy water. There are 4 members of staff selling at two different points. At first point they sell at least 25 bottles of still water while 15 bottles of other fizzy water. Each bottle price is the same. As continue in the interview I further find out that most people don’t like fizzy water while most of the school staff buys it. Every day the canteen staff supervisor “Steven” orders four packs. Each pack contain 24 bottles, so in total they get about 96 bottle. 48 of the bottle are still while the other 48 are fizzy.
Why did I choose secondary research?
The main reason for choosing secondary research is that it is already available in different sources such as I used internet for articles and ask member of staff for more details. It was easy to carry out this research and it saves a lot of my time. The internet articles were easy to access as well as the school staff was helpful as well. The other benefit of secondary research is that it can be shared with every one else, so more and more information can be obtain from other students. The other dominant of secondary research is that it relies of facts and opinion of primary research sources. The secondary research involves all the summary of the whole research carried out by the primary research. The secondary research can be either from internal or external resources.