Problems with the current System - creating a new system

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Matthew Stone                                                                                     Candidate Number: 7232




The Current System        



General objectives        

Specific Objectives – Quantitative        

Specific Objectives – Qualitative        




User’s IT skills and knowledge        



A secondary school holds many different exams around the school year, students who attend the exams need to know where, when and what the exams are, and also the particular seat assigned to them. There are about 200-300 end user’s (candidates), and one administrator who inputs all candidate details, exam courses available in the school, and which candidates are taking which courses. The administrator then has to supply each candidate with their candidate number, a list of all exam courses they are taking, the location of the exam and which seat has been assigned to them.

The Current System

The current system is an A3 page of a plan of the seating arrangement, with a candidate number assigned to each separate seat. This plan is placed outside the exam room so that each student can find out their seating number. The candidates are supplied with a sheet that tells them their candidate number, what exams they are taking, the date the exam is being held, the location of the exam, and the seat number that has been assigned for each exam.

There is no current way (or the current system is too disorganised) of finding out any essential information if the sheet is lost, forgotten, or never received. The system relies too much on students to remember which room has been allocated, which is hard during times of stress – such as at the start of an exam. The present system is non-computerised. This has many disadvantages; for one, the system cannot be searched for data, seating position can only be found if the candidate knows their Candidate Number.

Requirements of the new system

General objectives

        The new system is not designed to replace to the old system, it is designed to improve it and add new areas which were previously unavailable without computers. The new system must be able to create the exam sheets handed out to candidates, and also will enable queries. Queries will be run to find out such things as

  • The candidate seating position by entering student details or candidate number
  • The candidate’s details by entering the candidate number or candidate seat
  • Who is sat in a particular seat by entering the seat number
  • Where the exam is being held, and what subject the exam is testing
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This information will also be in the form of an email, mailed directly to the students a week prior to the exam, as well as being available on the new system, (set up on a computer near the main hall, or some other accessible area) before the exam starts if the candidate forgets.

Students need to know where the exam is being held, and where they are seated (when the papers are collected, they need to be organised into candidate numbers, so seating students correctly stops unnecessary sorting at the end).

Specific Objectives – Quantitative

  • The system ...

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