Sales forecast

When deciding on our sales forecast for our car valeting business and car sales business we have based the figures on the previous two years business also keeping in mind that we are growing rapidly.

In the following forecast you will see a considerable drop in business during month four. This we have identified is due to people going away from London for Easter holidays as well as it tend to be a rainy season. However there is a significant increase in month five this is mainly because the new number plates come out in this month, and thus car sales boom. People with new cars pay more attention to keeping their car looking good initially hence a increase in business during this month. By the month six this tends to come back to normal business.

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Our sales forecast for car valeting products is based on research on how much valeting product is sold through retail stores. Another factor considered in the promise by BP to buy our product at certain quantities over the first year. We have also used sales figures from luxury car valeters such as Jaguar to come up with our final sales figures.

Our commission per car sold will remain at £1500.

Our valeting service charge is £70 per car

Each package consisting of valeting products will be sold at £40


Car valeting;

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