-Tesco have Efficient distribution because they always have enough products and supplies for the customers to purchase, Tesco will always order in advance to ensure that they always have enough products for their customers, they always make sure that they have a distribution chain to get products to the stores, They use many different methods such as vans and lorries to get the products to Tesco on time.
-Increasing geographical spread makes focus on specific markets difficult, this affects Tesco because the more supermarkets that open in the different areas there will more places for customers to go so they might move away from Tesco and go somewhere else which will be bad for Tesco because they can loose money.
-International expansion requires substantial investments, this is a weakness of Tesco because when they want to expand international they will need substantial investments to open up new businesses, and this is a weakness because Tesco might not have the investments to open up the new businesses.
-High reliance on UK market is a weakness of Tesco because their business is going sluggish because of things like customers not having enough money to spend which will cause them to downgrade, if the customers don’t have enough money to buy products or less products than usual Tesco won’t make enough money.
-Growth of non-food is an opportunity of Tesco because they can start growing things like plants and flowers and sell them in store, not many other have a flowers/plant range so this could be an Opportunity for Tesco, also to sell genetically modified food to prevent shortage of the products in the future.
-Enter new Asian markets is an opportunity of Tesco because they can do something for all types of customers so they can get everything from under one roof rather than going to different stores to get their shopping, Entering the Asian Market for Tesco will help them because they will have a new market and it will benefit their customers, Also because they will branch out more Asian countries which will make them more well known.
-Effective use of Club card database to increase basket size is an opportunity of Tesco because when a customers buys products from Tesco they earn club cards points which they can later trade in for things like reductions, this is a opportunity for Tesco as they are the only ones who offer a Club Card and it will help their customers because they will want to spend more to earn more points.
-Develop additional services is an opportunity of Tesco because they could start new services which other business don’t have for example Tesco already have the self pay tills that customers can use, and they benefit the customers, Tesco can develop new services that will help them because they will have services other businesses don’t.
-Faces range of diverse competitors internationally which is a threat for Tesco because they have moved internationally and they will competitors that are more well know at the location, Tesco are threatened because the other stores are more well know and there is more of a chance that the customers will visit that store instead of Tesco.
-Increased level of "eating out" in the UK is a threat of Tesco because if people are eating from out more often they are not buying food from Tesco; this is a threat because if people continue to eat out Tesco will loose money because people are not buying from them.
-Restrictive planning guidelines in UK and Asia is a threat of Tesco because if Tesco wants to increase the size of their supermarkets they must follow the restrictive guidelines, they can build a supermarket but they must follow how many Square feet and set in the guidelines, This is a threat for Tesco because if they want to expand a supermarket they won’t be able to increase it buy much.
Cancer deaths have fallen by 12 per cent and deaths from heart disease are down by 27 per cent, This is a strength for NHS because they’re death rates are lowering, for cancer deaths have fallen by 12% and heart disease deaths have fallen by 27%, this are strengths because patients of the NHS, will fell more secure because the doctors are finding ways to save more lives, also this is a strength because the doctors are making progress on new ways to save lives.
Hospital waiting lists in England down more than a third (35 per cent) from their peak in 1998 to the smallest since 1987, this is strength for the NHS as patients will have to wait less time to get inspected by a doctor, with less waiting lists it is easier for the NHS to see their patients quicker, which is also good for the patients so they don’t have to wait long.
By December 2005 it will be routine for patients to choose the hospital at which they receive their treatment, this is a strength because patients of the NHS can pick where they get their treatment this is easier because if the patient has been assigned to a hospital that is very far from them, they will find it hard to get there so they have a easier alternative.
Labour has put in place the biggest ever hospital building programme — 100 new hospitals by 2010, this is a strength for the NHS because they will have more hospitals which they can treat patients at, this is a strength for the NHS because they’ll have more facilities and more places to treat their patients.
Patient satisfaction levels are high - surveys show high patient satisfaction with hospital, ambulance, and mental health and primary care services, This is a strength for the NHS because patients are happy with the way they are treated so NHS don’t have to improve much on things, and will just have to worry about things like new cures.
The NHS have doctors from all around the world, the benefits are because the NHS are better trained doctors therefore they are saving lives, the UK are benefiting from their skills because they are surviving, there is also constant training, and the government are checking up and investigations are being put in place on unreliable hospitals.
Lots of extra services, NHS website, you can phone them and they will give you advice on what to do, you can visit NHS direct you can phone up and tell them your symptoms, it will save you time rather than visiting the doctors, dentist or hospitals.
The major weakness is apparent when the proportion of working population is falling and if the average age is rising, in this circumstance, two factors work against the NHS. First, the number of contributors is falling and so their contributions must rise; to the point where the NIC no longer represents good value for money by comparison with private health care. Secondly, the proportional well-paid working population has been declining for about 20 years and most rapidly this past 10 years.
The main reason has been the rising number of retired people and the shortage of young economically active people who will pick up the bills via NIC. One other consequence of this demographic change is the rising number of elderly people who impose a higher burden per person on health services than do the young. In addition, large numbers of immigrants' dependents, the existence of relaxed incapacity regulations and the tendency for earlier retirement together means that an increasing proportion of the population is not making NICs but is drawing upon NHS services.
People feel the NHS is mismanaged and doesn't provide value for money. Many staff is getting disillusioned. Also the high expenses of some new drugs can lead to rationing where the NHS refuses to prescribe them. There is currently also big media coverage of unclean hospitals leading to the increase of MRSA infections.
The NHS has been investigated by panorama and undercover reporters because the cleaners have been breaking basic hygiene rules, a panorama journalist went undercover and working ask a cleaner for tow months in Birmingham’s heartlands hospital, and she gathered evidence, she found cleaners making things look clean, without cleaning them, and the other staff routinely broke basic rules designed to stop infections spreading.
The NHS have opportunities which include improving their Quality of car, They can also improve on Courtesy of Staff, They can let patients be involved indecisions which will help them, because the patients can decide on what they want, also being involved in decisions could benefit everyone because they can decide on a chance that will be good for them all.
Another opportunity for the NHS is to reduce waiting times for beds
And to let their patients pick the hospital they wanted to be treated at, this can helpful to the NHS because it allows patients to get to hospitals easier, and for them to get treated faster, also if the patients are allowed to pick which hospital they wanted to be treated at it will be easier for the NHS and the patients because they can arrange everything and the patients would pick the hospital that they think is the best for them.
Helpful staff the NHS dentists is an opportunity because if the dentists are more helpful they patients will enjoy their experiences there other wise they could be unhappy with the service they received, The dentists have to make the patients feel happy when they are being treated because if your dentist is not being helpful there is a chance that you wouldn’t go back for another treatment in the future.
A threat of the NHS is waiting time for consultation, this is a threat because if the patients are waiting long lengths of time, they’re illness/injury could grow bigger, and they’ll be unhappy with the NHS, They need to deal with patients effectively without wasting to much time so they can treat other people who have come in to get consulted.
The waiting time for an ambulance is a threat because if the ambulance gets to the location after a long period of time the person could be seriously injured or even dead, the ambulance waiting times need to decrease because if someone is in a severe condition they will need the ambulance straight away, because they could worse.
The physicians are a threat in the NHS because they are impatient, and their level of care is low, which will put patients of the service, and they will go somewhere else or complain, the physician’s need to care more about their patients and try to be more helpful to them, because they patients will get unhappy with their service and complain which will make the NHS look bad.
The selection of NHS dentists is a threat because they’re might not be enough dentists in a area to support all the people living in the area which could be a threat because the waiting times will go up and patients could get impatient, They’re need to be more dentists so the NHS can decrease waiting time which affects the patients because they could get impatient waiting in for a dentist for hours.