Tesco’s Ownership


Unlike Lakhani Motor Group which is owned by several partners, Tesco is owned by thousands of people. This is because Tesco is a public limited company or Plc. The reason for Tesco being a Plc is because of its mammoth size. Due to its size it would be hard to raise enough funds for Tesco if it was owned by a sole trader or by partners whereas in a Plc (like Tesco) the company is owned by shareholders who fund the company.

This happens by the people buying shares in the company and becoming shareholders. Sometimes this may seem more appealing to the people investing in a company as they have the luxury of having limited liability. Limited liability is where if the business goes bankrupt the people only lose whatever they invested in the business this is common with Plc’s, Ltd’s (Private limited company) and . Unlimited liability is where if a business goes bankrupt the money invested by the sole trader or by the partners is lost and to recover the debts owed their personal assets (their personal money and buildings like houses owned) would also be lost.

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The shareholders make their money by selling their shares back to the company for a higher price than they bought it for, and earning dividends. The company makes its money from the shareholders investing their money ‘in the first place.’


Aims are set out to briefly describe what has to be done.

Tesco’s aims are set out below -:


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*** This report is a mix of researched information and supposition but the writer does not state which is which. There are several inaccuracies and a misunderstanding of public limited companies.