Homers influence has inspired many authors and changed daily life for ancient and modern people.

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Rose Bishop                                                                          2/2/10

Homer Essay                                                                           ELA 3 SS 8

       Literature is one of the few things that can transport a person out of their daily life and into a whole new world. One of the most famous and influential writers was Homer. He was one of the only writers in the dark ages of Greece. He wrote two of the greatest poems in history “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”. Many argue that ancient Greek literature is dead, but I think it is very much alive considering how many modern authors and readers are still influenced and touched by it today.

        The people of the Mycenaean empire lived in a time where heroes were produced and were later worshiped as gods and the subject of many stories. A great deal of what we know about the Mycenaean people came from Homer. That is why we call this age Homers Greece (Edmonds, 7). The empire stretched from the plains of the Argos to the coast of Turkey (7). The only real records of the Mycenaean’s were myths and Homers poems (8). The Mycenaean’s were as much a mystery to the classical Greeks as they are to us (9). They were thought to be fierce and advanced Indo-European conquerors from the north (Powell, 12). Some believe that Perseus, slayer of Medusa and son of Zeus founded the capitol city Mycenae. Many famous heroes from myths, like Heracles and Atalanta lived in the Mycenaean empire (Edmonds, 8). Also many of Homers characters like Achilles and Odysseus lived in the Mycenaean age.

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        “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” by Homer were some of the greatest stories ever written. Homer only wrote two poems that we know of in his lifetime (Ancient History). Both the Iliad and the Odyssey were written in an Illionic dialect (Ancient History). He wrote in a dactylic hexameter, a meter of six feet long containing one long syllable and either two long syllables or two short syllables, which suggest that they were, performed orally (Ancient History). These poems had thousands upon thousands of lines and probably took a couple nights to perform (Ancient History). Homers first poem was the Iliad. The ...

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