One of the most prominent surviving plays of Euripides in the presentday era is Medea. In it, he depicted the struggle between a motherslove for her children

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Euripides has met the conventions of Attic Tragedy up to a particular extent. Although he was often criticised for his work, he followed the structure and cycles of thetraditional tragedy. However, his stance on the themes and ideas set him apartfrom... Euripides has met the conventions of Attic Tragedy up to a particularextent. Although he was often criticised for his work, he followed thestructure and cycles of the traditional tragedy. However, his stanceon the themes and ideas set him apart from the other writers.It is unreasonable to compare Euripides with the traditional writersof Attic tragedy without understanding his attitude and the reason forthis attitude. Although he was only fifteen years older thanSophocles, he belonged to a whole different generation. Between themlay the chasm of the Sophists moment. The Sophists were professionalteachers who applied new methods of criticism to all aspects of life.Euripides was a child of this time. It made him a septic and a critic.It affected his whole attitude towards life and made it impossible forhim to accept the presuppositions of tragic art as his predecessorshad done.As well as this, there were several ideas which set apart Euripidesfrom others. To modern audiences, other tragic heroes often seemremoved from flesh-and-blood men and women. But Euripides' charactersare
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always immediately recognisable. He approached tragedy from thepoint of view of man, and was interested in human beings.Today, Euripides plays are read by far more than those written byAeschylus and Sophocles. His brilliant portrayal of human nature hasenticed readers for countless generations.One of the most prominent surviving plays of Euripides in the presentday era is Medea. In it, he depicted the struggle between a motherslove for her children and a flouted wife's desire for revenge on herhusband. Like much of Euripides work, it is a tale which sometimesabandons, and sometimes, emphasises the age old conventions of Attictragedy.Attic tragedian plays traditionally ...

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