Computer Hackers and Viruses

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Reece Ryan 12LJK

Computer Hackers

Hackers are popularly defined as computer experts who spend enormous amounts of time trying to breach the security of networks, web servers and email servers. Usually they use a selection of specialist software to identify any weaknesses, which they are then able to exploit. There are basically two main types of hackers, the first type is mainly consistent of intelligent adolescents who acquire their hacking knowledge by reading, by talking to people and by spending an excessive amount of time on their computer, learning the various programs, the source code and the commands. They are then able to solve puzzles that people with computer engineering backgrounds can't solve. vast majority of hackers do it for their own personal enjoyment as they find it to be intellectual, mind stimulating, a challenge, and it also grants them immense amounts of power and control. Hackers generally seem to be primarily interested in the hacking of large corporations and authority’s security networks rather than attacking private individuals. It's intellectual. It stimulates my mind. It's a challenge. But these ‘ eventually get caught, and the reason they get caught is due to the fact that they're not professionals. The second type of hackers are however the professionals, they’re the ex-KGB agents, the ex-CIA agents, the person from German intelligence, or the Israeli intelligence and they're not going to get caught.

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A computer virus is a program (a block of executable code) which attaches itself to, overwrites, or otherwise replaces another program in order to reproduce itself without the knowledge of the user. A vast array of viruses are comparatively harmless and may be present for years with no noticeable effect. Some, however, may cause random damage to data files (sometimes insidiously, over a long period) or attempt to destroy files and disks. Others cause unintended damage. Even benign viruses (apparently non-destructive viruses) cause significant damage by occupying disk space and/or main memory, by using up CPU processing time, and by the time and ...

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