Discuss the impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file size and image quality.

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In this report I will discuss how learners need to utilise different file formats, different compression techniques, different image resolutions and different colour depths, and will demonstrate the document sizes and the contrasts between them, some will be bigger than others and I will discuss why they are that way. The arrangements I will discuss are PSD, BMP, GIF, JPEG and TIF.

Photoshop record

The format that I will discuss is Photoshop design (PSD), this format is the default format for this product so it will save the altered graphical pictures naturally to this configuration unless picked otherwise.  

This format gives you a chance to open the file straight into Photoshop and alter the picture and utilise all the elements of the product. However, the primary issue is that you can just open this document with Adobe Photoshop and the document is generally large so it might take up a lot of space on your PC.

Bitmap File

The BMP file format, is a picture file format used to store bitmap digital images. Numerous graphical user interfaces (GUI) use bitmaps. A bitmap picture is a picture that is comprised of small squares that are arranged to create the image; this is how photographs are created.

The fundamental disadvantage of the BMP file format is that the bigger the resolution the bigger the real document itself, so to have the picture in a high resolution it will take up a lot of space. The second drawback of this arrangement is that when you expand the picture the picture quality reduces, this is called pixilation.

Representation Interchange Format

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmap image format that is utilised a considerable amount for pictures on the web since it is ideal to use due to support, compatibility and is not too large in space and doesn’t take a long time to upload to be used on Web Pages. The disadvantage is that it only uses RGB and grayscale therefore the quality of the image will not be as good as other image formats, so this isn’t the best format to use when it comes to image quality but it is a good format for logos with solid coloured areas. GIF file format is also a good file format for the use of animations which are eye catching when used on websites.

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Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEG which is a raster record, which remains for Joint Photographic Experts Group arrange, that is an organization that is likewise broadly utilized online on sites and on other diverse online servers in view of its similarity, size and nature of picture. JPEG position bolsters CMYK, RGB, and Grayscale shading modes so the nature of the picture is superior to anything some other record designs as they don't all bolster CMYK. This record position does not take up a great deal of space and still has a decent quality picture. As this picture is broadly ...

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