Research to aid designing an interactive toy of game for children. One of the most common interactive toys found in the market are the interactive plush toys. Popular brands are the Actimates Barney, Tickle Me Elmo,

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Designing an Interactive Toy


        The advantage of interactive toys as compared to others is the amount of response and interaction that takes place between the child and the toy.  There is evidently an aspect of simulation that has gained the favor of many academics; according to Oravec (2000), these interactive toys have become learning instruments because they "stimulate children's imaginations and help them develop socially and intellectually".  Hence, these toys have become significantly in demand especially for parents who want their child to start developing skills and intelligences while doing something recreational such as playing.

        Evidences of the importance of interactive technology in the context of development can be seen in the growing presence of computers in the classroom (Connolly & Airey, 2003).  Technologies have become integrated in many toys found in the market today, from the wired to the wireless configurations to stand-alone toys to toys that have to be operated using the computer.  Nonetheless, technology plays a central role in the development of interactive toys and games, and these designs have taken as far as toys showing significant (artificial) intelligence to toys merely providing entertainment to the child.  

        However, despite the market’s positive responses towards these interactive toys and games, Fogg, et al. (1999) actually brought up some issues that can be considered which can be factored into the design.  Basically, the authors pointed out the potential ethical implications of these interactive toys, especially as to how this may affect the child’s development and bring it to a different direction.  The following issues are enumerated by Fogg, et al. (1999) towards interactive plush toys, as follows:

  • Is it a good thing that the child spends his or her time more with the toy such as sharing activities like watching TV and using computers?
  •  Is it a good thing that these children might start to think that their interactive is a live being?
  • Is it dangerous that some of these toys promote intimate relationship with the child?
  • Is it possible that the interactive toy will become a surrogate babysitter or parent?
  • How can parents be assured as to the contents of these interactive toys, especially what they can do and say?
  • If these interactive toys are based on persuasive technologies, how influential are they to the kids?
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        These issues are important considerations because these may be the issues that the consumers will think of when it comes to purchasing an interactive toy.  It is therefore critical to factor in these concerns because they serve as important guidelines in the design and at the same time, the needs and desires of the consumers are addressed.  This thereby shows that these “smart toys” may be only “smart” to a certain degree, hence, the features of these toys have to be substantial enough to stimulate the child’s skills but not too smart that it may throw off the child and ...

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