The effects of technology on modern industrial society.

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English A2: Persuasive essay

Fred Lafaire

The effects of technology on modern industrial society

Having ushered in the 21st century, one can only gaze upon our achievements in awe especially when one considers the fact that mankind was once tittering on the brink of extinction. How did we get this far? Some would say it would be because of our opposable thumbs. Others would credit God and Creation. And still others think it was just a matter of luck. Regardless of what one believes in, it’s safe to say that we are here today because of technology: The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. The discovery of fire helped our species’ predecessors survive the Ice Ages and make considerable leaps in the food chain. The discovery of literacy furthered our understanding of the world around us and served as a springboard to other breakthroughs. The list of remarkable discoveries and inventions goes on and on and it goes without saying that they brought blessings and curses. But I believe that public opinion is not as critical of technology as it should be. I am of the opinion that we are far too quick to note the benefits of a new technology whilst disregarding any possible hazards it may bring. But before I go any further I wish to make it clear that this essay will steer away from the well-known ethical arguments.


Our advances in the field of transportation are a testament to how far humanity has come within a few millennia. On a local scale, the advances in transport have done a great deal in saving peoples lives as victims of accidents can be rushed to nearby hospitals within a couple of minutes. However, a 2000 UN study stated that road injuries killed more than 1 million people in low- to middle-income countries. Furthermore, most of our transportation is dependent on fossil fuels. As developing countries continue industrialising (i.e. increasing transport) global CO2 levels are bound to increase. Of course one cannot forget that due to our extensive world wide transport system, a great deal of resources can be transported from one part of the world to the other thereby improving living standards as different regions no longer have to be self-sufficient but rather they could become specialised. On a final note, one ought to keep in mind that the more connected the world becomes, the greater the risk of there being a massive pandemic. Though certain outbreaks such as the SARS virus were contained relatively easily, not all viruses begin to manifest themselves in such a short time. A virus with a dormancy period of several days would be deadly since by the time it is discovered, it would be present in many different locations.

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We’re living longer and longer and some of us are even planning on living forever all thanks to the advances made in the realm of health care and medicine. Obviously, the fact that fewer people are dying now is good news. However, the sharp drops in infant mortality and the rising life expectancy rates have led to a rise in world population thereby putting greater strain on our resources. Also worth mentioning is the fact that there are millions of deadly biological weapons scattered throughout the arsenals of world powers. Some of these weapons have the potential to ...

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