A Critical Review of ‘The Woman In Black’, seen at The Fortune Theatre, 9th July 2001.

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Sam Cushion 11A

A Critical Review of 'The Woman In Black', seen at The Fortune Theatre, 9th July 2001.

I knew nothing of this play beforehand. It was to be a surprise viewing because it was a mystery as to what type of play I'd be viewing e.g. drama, romance, comedy, horror or mystery.

The theatre was smaller than I had anticipated, yet still held it's own charm. Very little was allowed to be seen by the audience before the play began - all that could be seen were strange shapes in the mysterious shadows. This in turn led to my being excited and curious - the fact that very little was given away helped. It was dark, mysterious and tense, a taster of what was to come - the scene was set.

The plot. Arthur Kipps needs to tell a story, but he needs help - it is a long haunting tale that cannot be simply read off of a sheet. He wants to act out the story to his closest friends and family so that they can understand his harrowing tale. He seeks help in the form of and actor/director/teacher. They act out his story - the story of a private detective searching through a deceased old woman's receipts and personal belongings in order to find out more about her life. But he finds more than he was looking for - age old family secrets. Secrets and stories that contain forbidden love, hatred and death. Somehow the house he is forced to stay in lets him in on all these secrets, but there's a chance he won't be let back out again......The genre is ghost/horror, which is portrayed very well throughout.
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When Arthur Kipps was first introduced to the play, the actor used closed body language, no eye contact and a voice which showed the audience that he was a nervous, timid, worried type of man. At the same time it was obvious he was desperate to get something off of his chest due to the anxiousness he portrayed through his body language and persistence to get the story over with. When the other actor suggested they act out his story, he was very against it (where his shyness showed through more strongly). Protesting to the fact that he ...

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