Analyse the cinematic techniques that are used to capture the audience's interest in the opening sequence of the film 'of mice and men'.

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Analyse the cinematic techniques that are used to capture the audience’s interest in the opening sequence of the film ‘of mice and men’.

 The films director (Gary Sinise) uses different techniques to capture the audience’s interest when making a film.  The techniques include: lighting, high key -realistic and low key- dark shadow, dramatic. Sounds, diagetic- what you would normally hear in the scene (on screen) and non diagetic- the sound track music, the sounds of someone’s thoughts voice over, sound effects (of screen). The camera movements such as a tracking shot, where the camera follows the action, a panning camera moves from side to side to a stationary support to give a more realistic outlook. A tilt camera moves up and down, it’s a similar to a zoom in/out feature on the camera were the camera is not moved, but the image gets smaller or bigger. Sinise uses another feature where the audience are rendered in dramatic scenes of the movie, this is done by a feature on the camera called Camera framing. This technique enables the camera to go closer to the face or further away from it. It also enables a long shot view where it can capture the rich environment. This is just some of the features; a more complex feature it can do is the point of view shot. This is we see a scene through the characters eyes. Sinise also captures the audience attention though high angle camera, where a bird eye view is presented

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These techniques immediately catch the audience’s attention, as they’re unique to its own environment. The techniques are unique because they make the film look different to other films, which makes the film look interesting. It suddenly makes the audience aware and prepares them to watch the film.

In the film `Of Mice and Men` (1992), Sinise uses light in the construction of his story. This technique is important because it makes something realistic but also dramatic. For example, in frame one, low-key lighting is used a lot to make it appear as if shadows are coming from ...

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