Blind DateAs the sequence is of a brand new series, we clearly notice new attraction-based features to the shows content. The CGI at the beginning

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Blind Date

As the sequence is of a brand new series, we clearly notice new attraction-based features to the shows content. The CGI at the beginning has been updated, now showing heart-shaped images within each letter of the words 'Blind´ and 'Date´ proving to relate to the show. It also seems a lot brighter and more colourful than previously. This was done intentionally to portray a new freshened look for the show, as if it has been spring cleaned, so looks cleaner, fresher and contains new content.

We join the sequence from an advert break, yet the adverts continue into the show as a quick sponsor message appears, when 'Blind Date´ show their latest feature, the fact that they are now sponsored by 'BT´. Proving that the new series must be good as it already has a sponsor. The BT image is intertextuality from the shows content showing a couple relating with each other, though the image of this couple is just a simple outline, filled with the letters 'B´ and 'T´. This is 'BT´ advertising themselves, symbolising to the shows audience that 'BT´ can bring people together. Associating with the target audience, which is families who will be very likely to own a house phone so are also a big part of BT´s target audience.
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Other than just families, the target audience is mainly made up of middle age and above people of around the middle-class section. This is proved from the shows scheduling, 7:30 on a Saturday night. As it is unlikely that young children will be awake and people between the ages of young children and middle age would most probably be out somewhere else, away from the television set. However, any family member could be watching so really the show is based towards a high majority of ages, yet runs along the middle age and above guidelines.

After the ...

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