An Observational documentary that we have watched and examine was ‘The Osbournes’. We looked at the Osbournes documentary where by us “the viewers” Witness real life such as arguments disagreements and happy times. We where meant to believe that the episode of the Osbournes which we have watched was suppose to by the truth but the people in the documentary some make us think second thoughts about this. Kelly Osbourne changes the theme of an observational documentary by looking and talking to the camera crew. During the Osbournes documentary it became quite obvious and planned because no one ever had their back turned to the camera Such as when “the Osbournes” were having their dinner, no one was left out of the camera shot. Every one had specific places to sit so that they never turned their back to the camera. This was obviously well planned and edited. We also see that entertainment values were kept in such as tension and anger, when their daughter got a tattoo.
The Americans use opening sequences of music to suggest the theme and to depict the Osbournes family. At the beginning of take non-digetic music is played to suggest the mood of that sequence. The audience gain pleasure from the Osbournes because they get to see thing that they would not normally see in their lives, such as when Ozzy Osbourne was able to lets us go back stage with him on TRL. The audience also get pleasure to see the pain, pleasure and problems of the Osbournes family.
Interactive Documentary is where the filmmaker plays an important role in the film itself. The person in the documentary gives his or her trust to the filmmaker to ask him or her all the questions that ‘we’ the audience would like to know. The interviewer tries to show that he is just an ordinary person, so he is given the name ‘normal’, one of us. If the interview edits the original version of the interactive documentary, the documentary is seen to be fiction. The interactive documentary we have studied was “Living with Michael” documentary. Here is where we see Martin Bashir interviewing Michael Jackson and living with the Pop star for a few months in order to let the audience know ‘the truth’ about Michael Jackson. In those few months we saw that Martin Bashir got very close to Michael Jackson and he show us what we never knew about Michael and his children.
Another interactive documentary that Martin Bashir was famous for was the Princess Diana documentary. His reputation was improved due to this documentary because he revealed and helped Princess Diana to speak out about some of her most valuable secrets aspects of her life. He also was able to make the audience feel sympathetic towards Princess Diana. The audience was happy because Martin Bashir was able to get the answer from Princess Diana which ‘we’ the audience wanted to know. Michael Jackson probably thought that having Martin Bashir interviewing him would improve his status. Martin Bashir obviously tries to make this documentary entertaining by continuously talking about Michael’s facial features, such as his nose. Bashir all was brings up the fact Michaels plastic surgery and he puts it in such a way that it would be entertaining. When Michael showed Bashir where he came up with some of the lyrics Bashir tried to make Michael look like some strange adult who loves to climb trees. In this documentary Bashir always tries to make Michael look strange or odd in different situations, such as, when Michael was in the antique shop, the camera person and Bashir both tried to make Michael look like a kid in a sweet store. Bashir also tends to point out to Michael how much he is spending; this looks like Bashir is trying to play a fatherly figure towards Michael.
Bashir tries to get Michael to talk about his past and all the pains he went through when he was a child. In this documentary we saw that Martin Bashir ask Michael some deep questions which in turn made Michael cry. This was not nice because Michael opened up to Bashir and Bashir did not seem to care. You can see that was Michaels true feelings. Although this was his true feelings it seemed that Bashir did this on purpose to satisfy the audience, to get some sort of re
This Documentary was turned into entertainment because Martin Bashir edited it this made it turned into fiction. Also he deleted some scenes, which we needed to know because these take included important information, which we needed to know about Michael Jackson, such as, “how many nose jobs did Michael Jackson have on his nose”. The audience enjoy this type of documentary because ‘we’ get to find out more about the person and also ‘we’ get to find out what more about the person’s feelings.