Edward Gordon Craig revolutionised 20th Century theatre with his 19th Century ideas

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Drama Half-Term essay/

Discuss Craig's vision of an ideal theatre including -

* Total theatre

* The role of the director

* The performer (uber marionette)

* The staging (kinetic theatre)

* Movement

Edward Gordon Craig revolutionised 20th Century theatre with his 19th Century ideas. Craig saw the need to break naturalistic conventions - move away from a text based theatre and develop an art where all elements of drama worked in harmony and sought to create a theatre based on sound, lighting and movement coming together to form a unified stage picture.

Craig had always been surrounded by Victorian theatre, all of which included realistic sets - and therefore imitated the real world. But Craig believed that theatre should contrast with the reality of the real world, making it a whole new and exciting experience to the audience. It was through this that Craig put forward a belief of a unified stage picture. During Victorian times, actors would normally wear their own clothes to act in or "hand-me-downs" from the aristocracy. Craig changed this by giving specific costume to the actors, therefore linking all aspects of the theatre, making it fit together as one. Thus Total theatre.
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Total theatre consisted of five main aspects, colour, rhythm, action, words and line. Craig wanted to make costume, stage and set all completely from scratch; and normally wanted his set ready before rehearsal. Unfortunately his ideas never really worked because of the cost, as every idea was too adventurous.

Craig sought performers whose "body was a slave to a mechanical mind" . He wanted the actor to be depersonalised so his character did not interfere with the character he was playing, and take a rightful place in Craig's anti-realist world of theatre. Craig believed that to ...

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