G.C.S.E Drama: Evaluation of Naturalistic Improvisation.

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Mitsu Shah                Drama Coursework

G.C.S.E Drama: Evaluation of Naturalistic Improvisation.

        Over the past three double lessons we have been completing a rehearsed improvisation on the genre Naturalism. Naturalism is the effect created to show the audience lives of ordinary people in convincing situations. We learnt that when producing work on Naturalism there are four main points that have to be taken into account. They are:

        Status –How important a character is in the play (the power they hold)

        Objective –What the character’s aim is when onstage.

        Action –The movements made by characters, this will show the character’s objective, status and subtext.

  The emotion behind the lines –a character could say something but mean something completely different.

Naturalism can be described as having a room but taking one wall away so the audience can see!

        When starting off our piece of Naturalism, we first looked at a plot. We knew it had to be believable but still capture the audience’s interest, and maintain it. Having had a discussion amongst the group we came to a settlement that the plot would include a family consisting of parents, two daughters, a lodger and the lodger’s friend. The basic plot is that the father (David) fires a worker, who promises to get revenge. She (the woman David fired)  then sends her friend to the family’s house. That’s where the lodger comes in. He is simply doing a favour for his friend but arriving at the house he finds his ex-fiancé, things become very uncomfortable for the mother. To make things even worse the younger Daughter, Lucy is attracted to Scot (the lodger), to take revenge on the mother’s history with him he leads Lucy on. The older daughter Tracy comes to know of the relationship between Scot and Lucy and takes it for granted. Unfortunately David does not know about anything, but finds out right at the end. The lodger’s friend is constantly informing Scot on her plans for him.

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        We planned our piece by writing out the scenes that would be needed to the build up of the climax at the end. Before our final presentation we had performed it to only our class, from this we were able to gain constructive criticism, which told us the main areas of improvements. It also gave us an insight on what the audience thought. One thing that came up quite a few times is that the character of the lodger’s friend was not clear. To clarify that we added an extra scene.

        We have a total of six characters. My perception ...

This is a preview of the whole essay