Greek theatre

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Nalin dissanayake

Greek theatre:

In our first lesson we learned about the three famous Greek playwrights, Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus, and the first ever theatres called ‘amphitheatre’s’.  Greek theatre began by honouring the god Dionysus; people would perform and sing songs in tribute, however the plays were only presented at the City Dionysia festival. Early Greek plays permitted three people on stage at one time, however later a few non-speaking roles were allowed to perform on stage. We learned that the ‘chorus’ would play a very active role in Greek theatre as some of the audience in the amphitheatre wouldn’t have been able to clearly to see what was happening on stage, so the chorus made sure people could  understand what was happening, they were the modern day equivalent to amplifiers.  Another tradition of Greek theatre the usage of masks, the masks carried different emotions; e.g. a mask used in a tragedy had mournful and saddened faces. The masks also amplified the actors’ voice so his voice was easier to hear.  The ancient Greeks were very clever with the design of the amphitheatre as they worked out how sound waves travel, and designed the amphitheatre based on that, which maximises the sound and volume of the actor’s voice, so he didn’t have to shout so the back can hear him.

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We were given research homework to research about the three famous Greek playwrights, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus. Sophocles was a great tragedian, only seven of his ninety plays survived. Euripides was also a great tragedian who influenced modern drama and Aeschylus was the father of tragedies. We presented each writer giving information about their early life and why are they considered to be famous Greek playwrights.

In our third lesson we were given the task of creating of creating a piece of Greek theatre using the traditional conventions of Greek theatre. We planned out the foundations of our performance by ...

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