How are Bollywood films similar to high concept American films?

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How are Bollywood films similar to high concept American films?

The term “high concept” is used to describe a script or film that a person can easily understand after hearing just a few words, it also means a film which is high budget and attracts a mass audience. To be high concept the film needs to appeal to young and old audiences to do this it needs to include aspects such as “fear”, “loneliness”, ”family” and “lost love.”

Bollywood films appeal to most of the Asian culture and religions (Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist) the most common language being Hindi, spoken by 40% of Asians so Bollywood films are usually spoken in Hindi. India is the seventh largest country in the world, and has an area of 3,287,570 sq km and consists of 28 states, very similar to America, so no wonder why Bollywood is very alike to American high concept films.

        The Indian film industry produces around 800 films each year. Around 65 million people are estimated to attend cinemas in India each week. There are about 13,000 cinemas.

        In Bollywood films such as Armaan, there is a famous actor, “Anil Kapoor.” He is the man who will attract the audience to the film as he is recognizable for being in other Bollywood films. There is always a hero and a villain, the villain usually has blond hair and is from the western culture. The villains have to be represented as strong and powerful. Bollywood films always follow the 9 rasa’s (love, social issues, vengeance, separation, crime, reunion, family, patriotism and destiny) without the 9 rasa’s the story wouldn’t be a Bollywood film. The wife has a number of characteristics which are based on the traditional values related to the role of the wife in Indian society. The main function of the wife is to be obedient to her husband and to make him happy. She must be faithful, loyal and a good manager of the household affairs.

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        Bollywood films are popular because Asian has a large population therefore it appeals to all Asians around the world and has no certification so all ages can watch it. Younger audiences are able to watch Bollywood films as the violence is made unrealistic and so they can tell it is not real therefore they are made to be an active audience. In India there is an average of 7 million cinema audiences per week with 12,284 cinemas around India. For the film, “Armaan”, it received, £111,124 (UK) (18 May 2003) showing on 27 screens, so this just goes to show ...

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