How did your role emerge and how was it communicated?

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Jessica Rossi



How did your role emerge and how was it communicated?

After we had decided the chronological events of the realistic scene, we started sharing ideas of what could be done unrealistically within the end. One of the ideas was to project a 1950-style doctor documentary about pregnancy; right after the female character has crashed the liquor bottles against the wall. This evolved into the idea of having one of the unrealistic actors actually being the doctor: the character would come in every so often giving scientific facts, as the realistic scene is interrupted. This character later turned out to be the Biological/factual doctor. However, we thought we could balance the medical point of view by introducing another character; the psychologist. Later on, a third doctor, the Spiritual Moony, was added.

The main idea and use of the psychologist is to give a different perspective from medical and spiritual science. She is always has a clipboard at hand,  analyzing what she sees and taking notes which she will use in her commentary lectures when she stops the “TV case study programme” with the remote control.

 She mainly feels sorry for the pregnant woman, as she is slightly older than normal mothers, and the man she lives with does not really pay much attention to her.

This brings her into conflict with the doctor, as in contrast with the psychologist, she feels no compassion for the woman and behaves very coldly and seems unaffected by the whole situation.

        It was decided that the psychologist should have the less comical elements to its character than the other doctors of the chorus. This was done in order to emphasise her seriousness towards the case study, her anger towards Sinan’s character, and the frustration towards her colleagues.


In what ways was the stimulus material developed through the drama process?

Our stimulus material started with workshops which had to portray

“A brief and usual incident, told using a naturalistic style, and then further explored using non-realistic forms. The non-realistic forms should provide different perspectives on the original incident.”

Our initial workshops gave us a range of starting point ideas. In our first class, we were asked to come up with a variety of situations where one of the characters had an addiction, and later on a fixation. We then divided into small groups of three and improvised what we had discussed.  

These small scenes included:

 Child abandoning/ abortion/ children adoption.

 Situations where in young, married couples, one member was having an affair, or one of them arose suspicion with the other partner.

 Certain individuals hiding truths from other family members. (E.g. Involvement with the mafia, dishonesty, black money, secret professional activities, etc…)

 Drug, alcohol, cigarette, food dependency.

 Fixations including noise: (the victim of this fixation was starting to go insane as she heard any sort of noise, e.g. Stairs squeaking)

Not only we explored a wide range of different every-day life cases, but we also explored many different techniques which were useful in order to enhance both naturalistic and non-naturalistic views. These were:

         Using and exploring sounds: music, silence, chorus.

 Using different ways of movement: fast, slow, exaggerated.

 Tableaus, freezes, stylized acting, mime.



How did group skills contribute to the development of the drama?

        Two main group skills were necessary in order to develop this devised piece. These include:

Active Skills-

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 Spontaneous improvisation- where an idea is briefly discussed within the group, and then acted out almost impulsively.

 Hot seating- This involves an exercise where, one at a time, a student sits on a chair, and is interrogated by the other students. The person on the hot seat should always be in character, and answer the question accordingly to what lifestyle they have devised for their character. These questions could be personal, opinion demanding towards the plot of the play, or factual.

Debating skills- (passive discussion)

                 Sharing of initial ideas- This is when, after the workshop sessions, the class shared ideas on ...

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