If we examine closely the techniques used in the mise-en-scene we can see the audience appeal used. (We must remember that this scene occurs at the beginning of every Bond film).
Firstly, the black background resembles the sign of danger. It automatically brings the feeling into the audience that something evil or dangerous is about to take place.
Secondly, the way James bond enters very quickly into the circle and in a sophisticated way goes on his knees (or sometimes not) and shoots at the screen.
Thirdly, the way that the circle slowly turns red, starting from the top. This automatically brings a pinch of fear into the audience as the red resembles blood.
We now move on to the film which begins by showing an exotic Island. This island however, is very empty and dark with frightening thunder clouds. This instantly tells the audience to be prepared for something evil to happen. The question going through the audiences mind would be, ‘Why is such a beautiful Island all dark and scary?’ The audience expect an answer.
We then see a man surfing very heavily, wearing all black and sunglasses (even though the sun is not out!), He seems very quick and steady. Then we see another person with the same description, coming in also surfing. The third man finally appears wearing very similar clothing to the other two, also surfing.
The fact that these men are shown coming individually is there to raise audience expectations and excitement, because these men are actually working in a group.
The surfing then ends for these men, who in actual fact have special surfboards. They are then seen using all sorts of gadgets, when each gadget is shown it is zoomed in with camera to see what they are actually doing. This shows that the positioning of the camera plays a major part in raising audience expectations and excitement.
Later on in the opening scenes of this film, we see bond, placing an explosive known as c4 under a lot of money into a briefcase. When the audience see that a dangerous explosive is being planted in a briefcase, they will automatically expect someone to be killed. While Bond is doing this, he has a woman beside him. It also worth mentioning that also while he was doing this, the music in the background was quick beats of drums. These quick drum beats, and the fact that there was a woman beside James Bond raises he audiences excitement.
We then see Bond loading a number of guns and using his watch to set the timer of the bomb to when he wishes. This shows that he has high knowledge of technology and gadgets, and that things will happen the way he wants. Instantly, the audience will think, ‘what if some someone does not like things to happen Bonds way?’ The audience expect someone to stand up to bond and fight him. The fact that he is loading a gun shows that, he is prepared and he knows that things may get very ugly indeed. This gets the audience very excited, because they also know that things might not go Bonds way.
We now see bond handing over the briefcase to the opponent, who does not know that beneath the money is explosives. However these two are not alone the wholly military of that man is surrounding the two which means, Bond is on his own. Once again this has a great affect on the audience, who will be thinking, ‘What if they find the explosives and find out what bond is really trying to do?’ Once again the audience expect this to happen, not only that but they also expect James bond to be prepared to face the man and his army.
We then notice a man who is actually giving Bond suspicious looks, taking a picture of bond and revealing his identity on his mobile phone. Again this gets the audience very excited, as they now know that Bonds opponents are as equal as him, and also have gadgets, and know a lot about high technology. This also raises the audience expectations, as they will be thinking, ‘what if Bond loses? It looks as though his opponents can put up a good fight’
The man with the special phone then finds out from his phone that bond is an assassin and is really there to kill them all, at this moment the camera angle focuses on the mans phone, and then zooms back out to see the expression off the other people, also the music changes into very quick deep drum beats, with a simple tune. The man then, straight away informs the other man who is with the briefcase given by bond. This man then attempts to shoot him but misses as Bond is too quick.
We then see bond running really fast, then he jumps and pushes a button on his watch which blows up the briefcase, kills the man and a number of his men around him. When the Bond jumped and pushed the button, the music instantly changed into the changes bond Tune. This shows how quick and sophisticated Bond is. It also gets the audience unbelievably excited, because the music resembles Bond which shows that every thing is now going to happen his way.
We then see Bond dodging many bullets and killing many people in an incredible way and making a get away. This tells the audience the James Bond will always get his way, and will strive to the very end to get his way about doing things.
Overall, I personally believe that many of the opening scenes in many Bond films do rapidly build expectations, and excitement of the audience.
I believe that the films are targeted at an all round age starting from the age of twelve. I think it would be a bit extreme in the sense of violence, language and sexual content, to be viewed by anyone below that age.
I believe that even the old films, yet still hold a very firm audience appeal. However the new ones, I would suggest are targeted at the new younger generation. From my point of view, these are films worth watching.