How does the opening and/or closing sequence of The Matrix contribute to the audience's growing awareness that the apparently real world is in fact a virtual-reality simulation?

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Elizabeth Flanagan 10E

Film Analysis - The Matrix

How does the opening and/or closing sequence of The Matrix contribute to the audience’s growing awareness that the apparently real world is in fact a virtual-reality simulation?

The first section of the film establishes what the film is going to be about.  It sets the atmosphere and introduces some of the main characters.  Without giving the plot away, hints are dropped which question reality and imply that there is another world and that not everything is what it seems. This leads the audience to suspect that something is different or unusual, leaving them anxious to find out what. This is in contrast to the last section of the film where the audience’s suspicions that something does not agree with the nature of life today is confirmed as we see that Neo (the main character) finally becomes “The One” against all the odds. In addition, it is by now that the audience have also realised that the world in which they live in today, in the film, is computer generated and that according to the film there is another world beyond the matrix.

Before the actual film even begins the audience realises that everything is not as it seems as the introduction where we see the Warner Brothers sign is not in its recognisable colours, it is green and grey  which straight away create a sense that it may be eerie, unusual, unexpected.  This prepares us for a certain type of film, obviously not a chic flick, classical, or glamorous film.

Put together with this the soundtrack is unbroken until the phone call cuts in.  The audiences’ interpretation of this may be that things seem to be going well and continuous until something cuts in.  The phone call begins the film.

There are three main colours used in the film, these are green, blue and red.  Each colour is used in turn to represent a change in society and surroundings.  In the beginning, green is the colour emphasised for example the first thing we see is a blinking cursor on a dark screen, normally you would expect the cursor to be white however here it is green. Another example would be the sky it is not blue with white clouds, how we would expect it, but it is more turquoise with pale green clouds, even human flesh has a slight tinge of green.  Everything that the audience sees at the beginning of the film they can relate to as it seems the same as the world they live in apart from the colour, which is very unusual, certainly not expected by the audience and goes against human nature.  Because this goes against familiarity, it may lead the audience to think that maybe this is a different world to what they live in.  

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As the film continues, the audience, along with Neo (the main character), are introduced to the Nebuchadnezzar. It is noticeable to the audience that whenever aboard the Nebuchadnezzar (whenever not in the matrix) the main colour is blue.  Blue is the colour of water.  Water flows, water is powerful and water can get everywhere.  In relation to this, the Nebuchadnezzar is a hovercraft, like a ship though it does not travel through water; it flows through the real world.  The few people on the ship all have access to the matrix (the world similar to the one the audience lives ...

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