How would you communicate to your audience the relationship that exists between Shields and Davoren? What is the importance of this relationship?

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How would you communicate to your audience the relationship that exists between Shields and Davoren? What is the importance of this relationship?

When looking at the play we see that there are many different relationships between the characters to convey different themes and ideas. I will have to explore Shields and Davoren's and what I want to communicate to the audience and show its importance to the play. I want to convey the theme of the Irish's struggle for independence so I am going to create tension with Shields and Davoren's relationship.

In the opening scene I will show their relationship as quite comical as I will create the tension in the auxiliary scene. I feel this will have more of an impact on the audience as it is a complete contrast and is design to shock the audience.
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The character, Seamus, is quite false and this is reflected in his 'religion' and his fickle view of Ireland. When something is not right with Ireland he will say how terrible it is, and other times he would be saying how much he loves his country. His religion is another survival technique, as he doesn't seem to bothered about missing mass and when 'The Auxiliaries' enter and Minnie takes the bombs from them and is arrested, he doesn't pray to the Saints for her safety but that she keeps quiet. These are not the acts of an entirely ...

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