Rich Woman
Ced - Precious Diamond
Wilson Family (Poor - Bad Mother, and good daughter)
Jo - Mrs. Charity Wilson (Bad Mother)
Marie - Lucy Wilson (Good Daughter)
Phillips (Poor - Good Mother and good daughter)
Pearl - Grace Phillips (Good Mother)
Kem - Niki Phillips (Good Daughter - Sociable)
Fows - PC Evans
Marie/ Ced - (Boy with AIDS)
Akua, Maria, Kemesha, Fowsiya, and Joana - (Boy's Friends)
Kem - Doctor Garrett
Fows - Nurse
Patients awaiting to see the doctor:
. Marie - AIDS
2. Pearl - Cold
3. Ced - Broken Leg
4. Jo - High temperature
A woman is astounded when she enters and glimpse the splendour of the room at the far corner of the wall, she can see a beautiful portrait. The furniture is made of the finest beach wood of dark mahogany. There is a couch slanted slightly to the left and it is filted with silken love cushions. There is a slight movement; she turns around to see her.
Mrs Phillips: Oh you have a wonderful room, its so nice
Miss Precious: Oh thank you
Mrs Phillips: Emm, I just wanted to say thank you again for bringing us here, and looking after us, we are grateful, thank you so much.
Miss Precious: Hey its ok, don't worry at all if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know, so what are we having for breakfast today then?
Mrs Phillips: Anything you want Miss.
In the Kitchen, Mrs Wilson with her daughter
Mrs Wilson: (Mimicking) Anything you want miss
Miss Precious: Ok I want coffee, you no my taste, no sugar, no milk, just hot coffee, and 2 toast, and biscuit, that's all.
Mrs Wilson: No sugar, no milk, she think she is all that and she's got everything
Lucy: Mum shush, she is a good woman, and she is helping us out, yeah.
Mrs Wilson: Nah but she's full of herself, she thinks she's got everything, I've got everything, just that I don't want them
Audience: Yeah right!
Mrs Phillips comes to the kitchen.
Lucy: Mum you know what, just shut up, yeah, cos if you have everything, why are we here depending on someone else then, why are we not in our own house, huh?
Yeah no answers, so just shut up.
Mrs Phillips: Hey calm down, what is going on?
Mrs Wilson: Fuck off man; stop sticking your nose in people's business.
Mrs Phillips: Sorry, I was just trying to calm people down, sorry.
Mrs Wilson: Sorry, yeah you should be.
Mrs Phillips: Ok
Mrs Wilson: You are always following, her like some fucking sheep, she wont give you her money, so don't bother yourself serving her, after all she ain't God.
Mrs Phillips: Hey watch it, that's Miss you chatting about, and for your information, she likes me because I serve her well, with my whole heart, so if you do the same I think she would like you too.
Mrs Wilson: So what are you trying, to say, that I should serve her with my heart, sorry but that is impossible
Miss Precious: Hey wut's all this shouting about?
Mrs Wilson: Miss Precious, Grace, is telling me that Lucy and I shouldn't serve you and all that, because you think you are top, and you have everything?
Mrs Phillips: (Speechless, her Hand on her lips)
Miss Precious: Oh, is that so, sorry, but I don't think I'm top, am just trying to help you guys, sorry.
Mrs Wilson: Miss that's what am trying to tell her, that you are a good woman. You can even ask my daughter
Lucy: (looks at her mum say) yes.
Miss Precious: (Disappointed with Mrs Phillips looks at Mrs Phillips and shakes her head) walks out
Mrs Wilson: Got ya, ha ha
Mrs Phillips: I can't believe you just told a lie on me, and you (points to Lucy) you supported your mum. Its Alright, its alright (crying)
Niki: Hey wat up? Mum, hey why are you crying? What happened? Tell me, what happened? What the hell did you do to my mum? Huh?
Mrs Wilson: Come on Lucy, let's go, the cheek of it (gives them a dirty look)
Niki: Come on don't cry, hey it will be all right.
Later in the afternoon
Niki: Miss Precious, sorry for what happened this morning, you know my mum can't say stuff like that? Sorry but I have to go now, bye, see you in the evening (Niki leaves the house)
Mrs Phillips: Miss am sorry for what happened, am so sorry.
Miss Precious: Its alright, I think its alright, but I just want you guys to understand one thing, I don't feel top, no, that is one thing I do not do. I don't feel top at all.
Mrs Phillips: I know miss, she twisted everything around and I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak to defend myself.
Miss Precious: Its ok, let's just forget about this and move on, you can sit
Mrs Phillips: Oh miss, I have some washing to do
Miss Precious: Oh forget it, join me and let's watch this interesting programme.
Mrs Phillips: Oh thank you. So what is this you are watching?
Miss Precious: Oh this, its called television.
Mrs Phillips: te-le-visi-on
Miss Precious: Tele-vision, or call it TV
Mrs Phillips: Oh TV, that is easy, and what about that?
Miss Precious: Oh that, that is the computer system
Mrs Phillips: Ok TV. So what are your plans this afternoon?
Miss Precious: Oh, after this programme I am going to pay of the rent.
(Mrs Wilson, passing by to the toilet overhears this)
Mrs Wilson: Going to pay rent, rent? Money? Yes
(Mrs Wilson quickly goes, to Precious room and takes the money from her bag, and dumps half in Grace's bag and the other half in Niki's bag)
(Miss Precious it set to go out, but she can't find her money)
Miss Precious: My money, my money, no, £2000, and I cant find it, oh my God, am dead. Hey, guys, all of you, please come in here. (Mrs Wilson is happily smiling)
Lucy: What are you smiling about? What is so fascinating?
Miss Precious: I don't mean to disturb you guys, but I can't find the rent money, I need to pay the rent or else we will all be on the street.
Mrs Phillips: I haven't taken any money
Mrs Wilson: I haven't taken any money, I swear (grins)
Lucy: No miss, I haven't either.
Miss Precious: So where is the money gone, the money just flew away, is that what you are trying to tell me, that the money has run away? Huh?
Mrs Wilson: No miss, I think this calls for a special investigation, don't you think? Because the person won't own up, I mean its £2000 (Looks at Mrs Phillips)
Miss Precious: Yeah, that's a good idea, ok Lucy call the police. Help me search for it before they come.
(Starts searching for the money)
Policewoman: Good Afternoon, yes, so what is the problem here?
This is a preview of the whole essay
Miss Precious: So where is the money gone, the money just flew away, is that what you are trying to tell me, that the money has run away? Huh?
Mrs Wilson: No miss, I think this calls for a special investigation, don't you think? Because the person won't own up, I mean its £2000 (Looks at Mrs Phillips)
Miss Precious: Yeah, that's a good idea, ok Lucy call the police. Help me search for it before they come.
(Starts searching for the money)
Policewoman: Good Afternoon, yes, so what is the problem here?
Miss Precious: Officer, I was just about to go out and pay my rent, but then when I looked in my bag, I couldn't find the money, the money was gone, so I called all them here, and I asked them if they have taken the money, but they all said they haven't taken it. Am so surprised.
Policewoman: Emm, is everybody in this house here?
Mrs Phillips: No, my daughter has gone out
Policewoman: Gone where?
Mrs Phillips: Emm, I don't really know, but she...
Niki: Hello, oooh am so tired, Emm, is this a policewoman?
Policewoman: What do you think? Anyways, there is a money of £2000 missing in here, have you taken the money?
Niki: Hell no, I wouldn't even know how to spend that amount of money, what are you chatting about man?
Mrs Wilson: You know what officer; we have searched the whole house, but still couldn't find it so I think the next place you should check is our personal bags.
Policewoman: Good, that is a good idea. Now people, can you all bring your bags here.
(They all go into their separate rooms and bring their bags)
Mrs Wilson: Today is a great day, and a great day is today, you will see something you will love, believe me. (She laughs)
Lucy: What are you talking about, are you sure you haven't taken the money?
Mrs Wilson: Don't be ridiculous Lucy, how can I do that?
Lucy: Or you took it and... and... (Thinks)
Mrs Wilson: Shut up yeah; shut that big mouth of yours. Come on let's go.
(Policewoman searches the Wilson's bags first)
Policewoman: No money in here, lets see your ones.
(Searching Mrs Phillips bag, touches something)
Policewoman: What the hell?
(Brings out the money)
(Everybody except Lucy looks at Grace in shock, and she herself is surprised and Mrs Wilson keeps smiling, Lucy gets the idea, but she doesn't know what to do)
Policewoman: How much is the money Miss Precious?
Miss Precious: (Still looking at Mrs Phillips) £2000
Policewoman: Emm, Mrs Phillips, where is the remaining £1000?
Mrs Phillips: I don't know, am surprised, I didn't take the money? I swear, I didn't
Mrs Wilson: And she is still telling lies, where is the remaining £1000, maybe she gave half to her daughter? Who knows?
(The policewoman takes Niki's bag and searches for the money)
(Song by Destiny's Child begins, Stand up for love)
Policewoman: Well, well, well, like mother like daughter, here is the remaining, Miss Precious, see, that is why you shouldn't bring these things in your house, look at all that you have done for them, it is still not enough for them, ungrateful beings. (Kisses her teeth at Mrs Phillips and Niki)
Niki: How did this get into my bag, I didn't take the money, mum?
Mrs Phillips: Miss you have to believe us we didn't take the money.
Miss Precious: PC Evans, please I don't want to even look at their faces, please send them away
Mrs Phillips and Niki: No Miss, we didn't do it, please, we didn't do it. (Mrs Wilson keeps smiling)
(The Policewoman grabs the hands of Mrs Phillips and Niki, but Lucy couldn't stand the state)
Everybody freezes. Lucy turns to the audience.
Lucy: I know my mum did this, look at the grin on her face, I don't know what else to do now, tell me, if you were in my present state what would you do? I still don't know what to do, should I tell the truth and risk my stay in this house, or should I just keep my mouth shut like I mostly do, and watch innocent people taken away, god! This is truly difficult. (Freeze frame stops)
Lucy: No wait, its my mum, she done this all, she done this all so this will happen. (PC Evans stops, Miss Precious turns to them)
Mrs Wilson: Shut up, don't listen to her, she doesn't know anything.
Lucy: Its true, and I am not backing you up this time mum, this time you pushed it too far, this is totally out of order.
Miss Precious: (Shakes her head) I don't know who and what to believe (Everybody freezes. Turns to the audience) Please help me here, what should I do? (Turns to the policewoman) I don't know, sorry, but I think you have to take them all to where they come from.
Mrs Wilson: No not to the poor town again, see it is your fault; you never can shut up, can you? See what you've done. (All leaves the stage, except, Miss Precious).
Miss Precious: (Turn to the audience) do you think I made the right decision? I don't know but I think its fair and it's for the best. (Walks off stage, Black out)
Scene Two
The weather is really hot, and the best thing to do is to meet up with close friends and chat.
In the town of Nasigal, a group of friends gather up to talk about girls and all to do with girls, they see a guy coming and all mouths shut.
Aka: Who is that?
Jo: I can't see his face.
Kem: is he coming to us?
Mar: How are we meant to know, dumb ass
Aka: Oh shit, he's coming here
Kem: See you call me a dumb ass
Jo: Oh my god! Is that Nell?
Aka, Jo, Mar, Kem: Oh shit, it's him
(Coming from behind)
Fows: who? Is that Nell?
Nell: Hey wats up?
Aka, Jo, Mar, Kem, Fows: Hey
Kem: you look emm, emm
Mar: nice, man
Nell: yeah I know what you think, I look skinny, I know
Aka: Is everything ok?
Nell: Yeah
Jo: You don't look fine, go and see a doctor man, cos this is serious
Nell: Yeah, I have an appointment on Monday
Kem: Yeah that is good, but what do you think is wrong with you? AIDS?
Aka: Yeah man, cos you look really thin
Jo: Did you use condom, the other night?
Nell: Yeah of cos. (Everybody freezes)
No, I forgot to use the condom, I forgot, I'm so stupid, (Turns to the audience), I cant tell them the truth, they will conclude that it is AIDS, already, Kem has suggested it. (Freeze frame stops). Nah, I don't think its AIDS, no it can't be
Jo: Ok, if you say so, but tell us when you get the result, yeah.
Nell: Yeah of cos, you guys are my friends, init? And you will help me, yeah?
Aka: Yeah, of cos. (Everybody freezes) NO way, you've got AIDS and you want me to hang around with you, hell no, I just want a good excuse to leave before I also catch the virus. (Freeze frame stops).
Mar: Yeah yeah, you know me. (Everybody freezes, walks to Nell). I wanted that girl remember? But no, Nell wants her too see your end result? Now you have AIDS, and you want me to help you, no way. (Freeze frame stops).
Kem: Yes (Everybody freezes) sorry, but I don't want AIDS. (Freeze frame stops).
Jo: Oh yeah: (Everybody freezes) after all you did to my sister, just because of money, you want me to help you, you've got AIDS mate, and you are sick in the head, I will never forget what you did to my sister, never, I hope you die alone, and rot in hell. (Freeze frame stops)
Fows: Yeah I will. (Everybody freezes), don't worry mate, am leaving tomorrow.
Nell: thank you guys, ok see you guys later then.
Monday - Hospital
Nell goes to the doctor, to confirm his illness; he is so depressed because everybody says he has got AIDS.
Nurse: This Doctor is always late I should be the Doctor. (Doctor enters, playing with his phone)
Doctor: Hey nurse, how you doing?
Nurse: Fine Doctor
Doctor: Ok, so is there any patient?
Nurse: Yes actually, but they all left, since you weren't here.
Doctor: Too bad for them, am so tired.
Nurse: (Nurse goes out, to see if there is any patient in the waiting room) yes, what is your name?
Joana: My name is Joana
(Another patient walks in)
Nurse: What's your name?
Akua: My name is Akua, A K U A
Nurse: Ok
Akua: Nurses of today, they can't even spell.
(Nell enters, all eyes on him, he sits next to Akua, Akua quickly moves and sit next Joana)
Akua: Look at him, he's got AIDS
Joana: Yeah, look how skinny he looks, oh, I feel sorry for the girls he has slept with
Nurse: Yeah, what is your name?
Nell: Nell
Nurse: Oh the doctor is waiting for you
(Nell goes to the doctor's room, while Cedella arrives at the waiting room)
Cedella: Oh my leg
Nurse: What is your name?
Cedella: Cedella, I need to see the doctor right now, I can't feel my leg.
Nurse: Emm sorry, but he is with a patient, you will have to wait.
(In the doctors room, he looks at the result of Nell, and calls in the nurse)
Doctor: Nurse are you sure this is the correct result?
Nurse: Yes, it is
(Freeze frame in the waiting room)
Doctor: Nell, sorry to say, but you are HIV positive
Nell: Meaning?
Doctor: Meaning you have AIDS (Everybody freezes)
Nell: I have AIDS, no this is not possible, that bitch, that bitch, now what am I going to do? No, I can't die alone, I must spread this disease, I must take with me somebody, I don't care, I will die with somebody, a girl or a boy, I don't care. Noooooooooo.
Scene 3
Left with no friends Nell (now Cedella) sets out to find a girl, he can go down with. He goes to Mrs Phillips, but he gets kicked out of the house immediately, he then heads off to Mrs Wilson
Mrs Wilson: You again, I thought I would never see you again, after stealing my dress last time
Nell: You must be mistaken, anyways, I have come in peace, I just want a good and beautiful girl like your daughter to go out with.
Mrs Wilson: No, why would I give you my only daughter?
(Nell puts his hand in his pocket and takes out £10)
Nell: For this, this is just starters
Mrs Wilson: Oh my god, wow
Nell: Can I come in and see her
Mrs Wilson: Of cos, come in darling
Nell: Thanks, so where is she
Mrs Wilson: Oh she has gone out to get something, but she will come soon, so lets talk about the money, how much will I get a day?
Nell: A day? Let's make it a month, £20
Mrs Wilson: Yeah ok, that is great
Nell: Ok I have to go now, but speak to her, so she will like me
Mrs Wilson: Yeah of cos, ok bye then. I got £10, yes; it is good to have a daughter you know.
(Daughter arrives)
Mrs Wilson: Hi
Lucy: Whenever you smile, there is something behind your mind, so spit it out, what is it that you want me to do for you?
Mrs Wilson: Do you know that you have grown up, you are now 18, you should be getting married, so I have found you a nice guy, he is madly in love with you
Lucy: Mum, I don't like that, I told you I don't want to marry at this tender age, I still have my life ahead of me, I would like to spend it with my mum, so thank you but I don't like any guy.
Mrs Wilson: shut up, do you know what you are talking about, do you know the age I got married? I was 16 when I married that good for nothing man, your father.
Lucy: See, can we just drop this case? I do not want to get married, at this age, period.
Mrs Wilson: Don't you even want to know his name?
Lucy: Its not important, cos I am not going out with him
Mrs Wilson: His name is Nell, like Nelly
Lucy: Mum, I don't care can't you understand? I am not going out with him, god!
Mrs Wilson: Oh yes you are, you are going to see him, and you are going to marry him, whether you like it or not, because I have given him the go ahead.
Lucy: Mum, I don't want to please
Mrs Wilson: Everything has been arranged; he is coming in to see you tomorrow, end off.
(Lucy begins to cry)
Lucy: Why me? Why me? What have I done to deserve this? I don't want any boy in my life at this age, why can't she just understand me?
(Black out)
(Next day, early in the morning, Lucy runs away from the house before her mum wakes up to see her near by neighbour, Mrs Phillips).
Lucy: Thank you, so you will speak to her today right?
Mrs Phillips: Don't get your hopes up, my child, because your mum is a very stubborn woman, I don't think she will listen to me, but I will try.
(Mrs Phillips goes to see and talk to Mrs Wilson about Lucy)
Mrs Phillips: Oh your daughter came to me this morning, and she said you have picked a boy for her, but she said she doesn't want any boy. All I want to say is that your daughter is still young and she doesn't need a boy in her life at this stage, I mean look at my daughter, she isn't seeing any one, so everything is fine.
Mrs Wilson: Ok, so you mean, you are here to talk to me about my daughter? You are so sad, the fact that no one is interested in your daughter doesn't mean no one is interested in my daughter, so if you can do yourself a favour, and stick your nose in your ass and get out, everybody will be fine. Now get out of my house, get out, and never step your dirty feet in my house again.
(Lucy waiting outside, asks Mrs Phillips how it went)
Lucy: So how did it go?
Mrs Phillips: Sorry dear, but she didn't listen to me
Lucy: Oh no, now I can't go back to that house again, she will kill me
Mrs Phillips: No she won't, go, and talk to her again, bye see you later.
Lucy: Thank you.
Mrs Wilson: Never go to that bloody woman's house again, do hear me? And you are seeing the guy tonight, he is here waiting for you, now go in, am going out, I will be back soon.
Lucy: Mum, don't go
Nell: Oh, am Nell, and you are
Lucy: (No answer)
Nell: Lucy right? I have heard a lot about you, you are very pretty you know.
Lucy: thanks, but I have to go and see someone tonight, so if you don't mind, can you excuse me.
Nell: Where the hell do you think you are going, I paid £20 on you, and am not allowing it to go to waste, come here.
(Black out, Nell rapes Lucy; therefore the HIV goes into her body system).
Song by Michael Jackson - You are not alone
(Mrs Wilson comes home to see Lucy crying her eyes out)
Mrs Wilson: What the hell? What happened? Why are you crying?
(Sees the blood on the floor) Oh my god, tell me he didn't, oh no, no, my only daughter, am so sorry.
Lucy: Mum, help me, am hurting, please help me
(Black out)
(Two months later, Mrs Wilson and Lucy go to the see the doctor, after hearing the death of Nell due to AIDS, but they have a bad news, Lucy is infected with the virus, and she is also pregnant, therefore has acquired AIDS and will affect her unborn child)
(After thinking through the departure of the good family, Mrs Phillips, Miss Precious heads down to Nasigal to bring back Mrs Phillips and Niki, but she doesn't have any answer at Mrs Phillips house, so she asks one of the people around and she is directed to Mrs Wilson house).
Mrs Phillips: Hey, I heard the sad news and I thought I should come and help you out, Niki is here as well, she can talk to Lucy.
Mrs Wilson: We don't need your help; I thought I told you never to step in this house again
Lucy: Mum, can you let them in, that is the only thing you can do for me after all this
(Mrs Wilson looks at Niki with a sense of jealousy and leaves the door to allow them to come in)
Mrs Phillips: Child, how are you?
Lucy: Fine, oh you can sit down
Niki: How is everything?
Lucy: (smiles) everything is ok, so what is new in the village, I bet everyone is talking about me
Niki: No, they all wanted to come and see you, but you know your mum, she will not allow them.
Mrs Phillips: you know, if you had listened to your daughter or me, none of this would have happened.
Mrs Wilson: Don't you dare start preaching to me, I have had enough of this.
(There is a knock at the door, Mrs Phillips go to see who is there and surprisingly, it is Miss Precious)
Mrs Phillips: Oh my god, its Miss Precious, what are you doing here?
Miss Precious: I am here to take you and Niki back to my house.
Mrs Phillips: Oh that is good news. (Mrs Wilson, knowing that she isn't going too, starts crying)
Mrs Wilson: No Gracie, you can't leave me here now, this is the time I need you the most, please don't leave me.
(Mrs Precious asks what happened to Lucy, and they tell her the whole story)
Niki: Oh thank you, Mum lets go and pack our things, we are going back to the city again.
Mrs Wilson: No please don't leave me, Grace, you are my only sister
(Lucy, Niki and Miss Precious all turn and look at Mrs Phillips)
Lucy, Niki and Miss Precious: Sister?
Niki: Mum, what is she talking about, Mrs Wilson; I think you are going crazy; you are thick in the head
Mrs Phillips: Hey, watch your mouth; don't talk to your auntie like that. Yes, that is my little sister. (They all open their mouths wide)
(Everybody freezes)
Mrs Phillips: That is my little sister, I don't know what I did to her, but when our parents left us, and a rich man asked my hand in marriage, she told me never to call her my sister again, I don't know why, I think she was jealous of me, now what do I do, should I just go with Miss Precious to the city, or leave my little sister to cope with her problem alone? Am really excited, because this is the first time in 20 years that she has called me her sister, I am not going to leave her like this, I will share her problem.
(Freeze frame stops)
Niki: Mum, don't listen to her, after all she has done to you, come on lets go
Mrs Phillips: Sorry Miss Precious, but I can't leave my little sister here like this, so I think you would have to go without us.
Niki: Mum, do you know what you are saying? You are going to risk our bloody life just for this thug?
(Miss Phillips slaps Niki, and Niki is so surprised)
(Miss Precious turns to Mrs Wilson)
Miss Precious: You know what, I only came here for Niki and your sister, but you are very lucky, you should thank your sister, cos now I have to take you and Lucy with me, so I am going to give you a last chance, this time if you blow it, you wont come here, you will go to prison, do you hear me?
Mrs Wilson: Yes thank you, thank you so much (starts crying, Grace walks to her and hugs her, and everybody comes to them and they all hug each other)
Song by Michael Jackson - Heal the world
(They all sing and there is Blackout)
Scene 1
There was a rich woman who had no family, so in order to share her money and her big house; she takes the responsibility of taking care of two families. The two families are
Family A - Good, Mother and good daughter
Family B - Bad Mother and good daughter
So in the big house where they all live, both the two children are happy, cos they get food to eat, and the good mother is also happy and grateful to the rich woman, but the bad mother hates the rich woman and the family A because the rich woman doesn't really interact with her. One day, early in the morning, the good mother went over to the rich woman to ask her of what she wanted for breakfast, so as she went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast, she heard family B arguing, so she asked what was going on and the bad mother insulted her and threw her help of trying to calm everything down in her face. The good mother didn't take any actions, but just ignored her, then the bad mother started talking about the rich woman, so the good woman tried defending the innocent rich woman, and then the rich woman, passing by to the toilet, heard the women rumbling, so she went to the kitchen and asked what was going on, then the bad woman twisted everything and the good woman was rather portrayed as the bad one, the evidence of the bad woman was her good daughter who backed up her mother because she couldn't gross up her bad mother. So later in the afternoon, the good woman went to the rich woman and apologised. The rich woman accepted her apology and they became friends again, so the rich woman kindly invited the good poor woman to dine with her, so as they were having launch, conversing, the good woman asked the rich lady, what her plans were for that afternoon after launch, and the rich woman told her she was going to pay her rent of £2000. The bad woman, passing by over this and quickly went to the rich woman's room and took the money from her hand bag, and dumped it in the good woman's bag, half in the good woman's bag and the other half in the good daughter's bag. So, after launch, the rich woman, went to her room, dressed up and was ready, but there was one problem, she couldn't find the rent money, so she called both families, and they said they hadn't taken the money, so the bad woman, gave the rich woman, and idea to call the police over to search for the money, so when the police came over they also searched every place, every corner, but still couldn't find the money, so the bad woman again suggested that they should search in each and every ones bag. They found the money in Family A's bag, the rich woman was totally disappointed and asked the police to take them back to their poor house. Song by Destiny's Child, Family B's daughter, suspicious of her mums, happiness, said out loud, "its my mum, she done all these things so that family A would be sent to the poor state, its my mum". The rich not knowing what to believe, asked the policeman to take all of them back to where they belong.
Scene 2
Both families were back in the poor state, no food, and no water, only a hut where they slept under.
A popular boy, who stole money and worthy items, came along. He appeared rich but was all stolen items. He had fun with girls, and later he had AIDS. His best friend came over to ask why he wasn't at the day before party, but whenever they met they sung this joyful song, 'Boys will be boys'. After happily singing the song, the boy revealed his dark secret and that was he was HIV positive. Immediately, his friend said sorry to him, and left. Knowing he could never be the same and would be dieing soon like the doctor said, he came to a decision, which he repeated three times, "I will not die alone", and left his house.
He went out and found out that the two families he used to steal from were back again, but this time, enough with the stealing, its time to spread the disease, he said, so he went over to Family A's house but immediately, he got chucked out by the good woman, because he didn't want him to come near his daughter. So he went to Family B and he convinced the bad woman he was a changed boy now, and he only wants a nice daughter like her daughter to go out with which could possibly result in marriage. The bad woman was interested because the bad boy gave her some money to start with. So she forced her daughter to go out with her, and one day, when the bad woman had invited the guy over to their house, the bad woman ser off to give space, and as soon as the bad woman left, the bad boy raped the good girl, and after that he ran away, the girl cried, and cried and cried. And then the mum came home and found out what the boy had done and wept with her daughter "You are not alone". Before this occurred the daughter of family B had gone to family A's house to tell and convince her mum to stop the boy from seeing her, but the good woman got kicked out by the bad woman.
Scene 3
So family B finds out that her daughter has AIDS when not long after the incident the boy dies of the dangerous virus. Also they learn that not only is the girl HIV positive, but she is also pregnant. So later the good girl dies whiles pregnant and they have a funeral.
At the funeral, family A appears, and the bad woman, accused her of killing her daughter, and then the rich woman, after thinking straight decides to go back and bring the family A because they were the good ones.
When she got there she asked what was going on and the good woman told her all that had happened since they came to the poor state, so as the rich woman deliver the good message to family A, she decides to give the bad woman another chance because she had just lose her daughter, and they all joined in and sung "heal the world".