The Opening Sequence of Blind Date
The Opening Sequence of Blind Date As the sequence is of a brand new series, we clearly notice new attraction-based features to the shows content. The CGI at the beginning has been updated, now showing heart-shaped images within each letter of the words ‘Blind´ and ‘Date´ proving to relate to the show. It also seems a lot brighter and more colourful than previously. This was done intentionally to portray a new freshened look for the show, as if it has been spring cleaned, so looks cleaner, fresher and contains new content. We join the sequence from an advert break, yet the adverts continue into the show as a quick sponsor message appears, when ‘Blind Date´ show their latest feature, the fact that they are now sponsored by ‘BT´. Proving that the new series must be good as it already has a sponsor. The BT image is intertextuality from the shows content showing a couple relating with each other, though the image of this couple is just a simple outline, filled with the letters ‘B´ and ‘T´. This is ‘BT´ advertising themselves, symbolising to the shows audience that ‘BT´ can bring
people together. Associating with the target audience, which is families who will be very likely to own a house phone so are also a big part of BT´s target audience. Other than just families, the target audience is mainly made up of middle age and above people of around the middle-class section. This is proved from the shows scheduling, 7:30 on a Saturday night. As it is unlikely that young children will be awake and people between the ages of young children and middle age would most probably be out somewhere else, away from the television set. However, any family ...
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people together. Associating with the target audience, which is families who will be very likely to own a house phone so are also a big part of BT´s target audience. Other than just families, the target audience is mainly made up of middle age and above people of around the middle-class section. This is proved from the shows scheduling, 7:30 on a Saturday night. As it is unlikely that young children will be awake and people between the ages of young children and middle age would most probably be out somewhere else, away from the television set. However, any family member could be watching so really the show is based towards a high majority of ages, yet runs along the middle age and above guidelines. After the commercial advertising, we are then introduced with a quick ‘Hello´ from the shows traditional, long reigning hostess ‘Cilla Black´ as she passes us onto yet another re-introduction for some of the shows previous guests who have just come back from a short date together and are prepared to tell us all the gossip. They are dressed in classy, modern clothing, symbolising that the show’s influence has pushed them up a class. This is also connoted through their motion towards Cilla as they walk down a long flight of stairs, followed by a spotlight and greet Cilla with a kiss from each of them. As all of this is combined, music is also blended in and clapping and cheers from the audience gives the couple a special image. Lighting isn´t used a lot in whole sequence, though this is the scene that uses it mostly and for the most reason. I noticed that to begin with the lighting started as pink, covering the back wall by the side of the steps. It also had a special effect inside it, almost resembling a giant lava lamp. Again, relating to the shows content with a fee of love to it, using love-related colouring. The pink slowly blends into a dark red colour as the couple moves towards the bottom of the steps. This practically shows more and more love as the couple moves along, proving the shows purpose. More sub-conscious thinking is brought to the audience’s minds as the now famous couple sits into what looks to be a very comfortable, big sofa. Yet, Cilla sits on the opposite sofa. Though, again, this is done for the shows purpose, to get the couple together, or at least make them look as if they are together and get on well. To add to this, the show seems to want the audience to feel as if ‘Blind Date´ has achieved it’s purpose, so they use plenty of close-up shots of the couple, portraying that they are close to each other and the camera.The camera work is very much like a chat show, it uses lots of close-ups of the person talking, yet pans outwards every so often to show the three of them together and prior to this, pans out to show the whole set. This is use of a close up shot, a wide-angle shot and a long shot.As the cameras portray sub-conscious messages to the audience, a very limited amount of movement is used. The most extravagant piece of movement within this whole sequence is the couple’s entrance as they move down the stairs. The editing, blending the camera’s into each others shots is also somewhat limited as it is just simple switches from one view to another, out of the three views used.Once the couple is sat down and everyone is settled, the part that everyone has been waiting for appears where people can be as nosey as they like and see how the couple got on, on their date together.The holiday sequence begins with exotic music, already relating the audience to the scene. The holiday was in The Philippines and although this was presented by the hostess, the show still seem to want to give the audience a good feel of The Philippines and it’s exact description. So it is very much presented in holiday show style, with voiceovers, coming from the people that are actually there and it seems to show all of the good, happy times which is clearly not realistic and intertextualises a holiday show scene.More camera shots are explored during the holiday clip, mainly showing very long, scenic shots, which then zoom in to make a long shot alone. Often the long shots would have people walking into space or would feature plenty of movement within the scenes. One camera view in particular, which stood out amongst the rest was an underwater scene, when the couple went scuba diving together. This shows class and relates the exotic seas to the show’s high-class value.Just this small, quick section of the show portrays a variety of mis-en-scene effects, however, each selection of mis-en-scene is very small, for instance; there is few camera angles used within the studio, the editing is very basic and so are the special effects. Though it is effective and matches the genre and priorities of the show.