Translating 21 grammes from screen to stage: Audience response

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The group planned for a range of responses from the audience

In our actual performance the range of responses from the audience were quite a lot different from our original plan.  Originally the main type of response that we wanted to achieve from the audience were more of a solemn serious one, but after a number of rehearsal and realising the humorous potential I think we got the balance just right.

In the very first lesson we had as a group we discussed what sort of piece we wanted to create and what sort of reactions we wanted from the audience.  As a group we concluded that we wanted to produce a piece of theatre that would receive a range of different responses.  The piece that we were hoping to produce was going to convey a serious message but would include some humour also.  We thought the best way of conveying a serious message would be to touch on certain topics that the audience would be able to relate to, we did this of course in the context of 21 grams and picked out some of the more serious themes e.g. religion, addiction and redemption.

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After we had created a basis for working and incorporated these themes slightly and a few storylines had developed, we were asked to show the other groups what we had done so far, after doing this it changed the groups perspective on what we thought we could achieve because as we had shown what we thought to be quite serious and powerful scenes the audience had found these slightly amusing.  Some of us realised we had potentially quite a funny group and after taking the audience members comments on board we decided to elaborate on this theme of humour. We ...

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