Amsterdam Airport


To: [email protected] 'Mr Townsend'

From: [email protected] 'Patrick McDonnell'

CC: [email protected] 'Bridget Campbell'

Date: 4/26/2007

Re: Government Aid To Terminal 5

* What is Government Aid?

"Government Aid" is help given to businesses by the government. Government Aid comes in many different forms. This Aid is usually given to companies to persuade them to start up in areas of low employment, so that the area's employment percentage will rise, helping to make the surrounding area, and possibly the country, more prosperous. By helping firms set up in "deprived" areas, the government hope to get their money back, through the "Multiplier Effect". If the business is set up, and prospers, more trade, and therefore money, is brought to the area, along with more people. These people earn more money through businesses in the local area, and they spend their money in the local area. These businesses are now more prosperous, and they must pay "Business Tax" to the government. The more prosperous a business is, the more they must pay. This is the Multiplier Effect, and how the government get their money back.

Government Aid can be given through money, but also other forms. These include simple things such as Planning Permission, which is just allowing the construction of the project to take place. Other types of Government Aid include laying down an "Infrastructure", by building road links and rail links to link the new building or project to the surrounding area. The government can also help by building houses in the surrounding area for the workers who may eventually go to work at the site, and "in" the finished product.
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Government Aid is usually focused on businesses that start up in "Assisted Areas", Inner Cities, and Small Businesses.

Assisted areas are areas that suffer from high unemployment and lack of opportunities. There are two types of assisted area, "Development Areas", that are in need of the most help, and "Intermediate Areas", that need somewhat less help. Grants are given to businesses to start up in these areas to improve the local quality of life, to get local people off the "dole", and eventually, the area will become more prosperous, and money will get back to the ...

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