Analyse and comment upon the pricing and output decisions of the firm and the industry in perfect competition and monopoly

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Q. Analyse and comment upon the pricing and output decisions of the firm and the industry in perfect competition and monopoly.

A. Perfect competition is a market structure which is characterised by many buyers and sellers. As such, no single buyer or seller can affect the market price taker. In perfect competition, all firms sell identical or homogenous product. There is also perfect mobility of resources, free entry and exit of firms and perfect knowledge.

As the individual firm can only contribute a small fraction in the total output of the industry, its actions cannot affect price. Therefore, the demand curve of an individual firm is perfectly elastic. It is a horizontal straight line at the prevailing market price over the range of output that the firm can produce.

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Assuming the factor prices remain constant and firms in the competitive industry simultaneously expand or contract output, the industry’s supply curve is the horizontal summation of the supply curves of all the producers. Since the firm’s supply curve is MC curve, the industry supply curve is the aggregate marginal cost curve, as shown below.

Equilibrium in the market is reached at the point where the demand curve intersects the supply curve. Thus, as shown in the diagram above, equilibrium price is OP, and output is OQ1. In the short run, firms in the perfect competitive industry may ...

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