Economies of Scale. Some firms become large by enjoying the EOS, however many prefer to remain small. Explain this statement.

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Some firms become large by enjoying the EOS, however many prefer to remain small. Explain this statement. [25m]

        Economies of Scale refers to the benefits that the firms enjoy by combining the resources in the best way possible. In other words, as input rises the output will be rising at increasing rates. A firm can enjoy the Economies of Scale when they are able to reduce the long run average cost by producing in large scale. There are two types of Economies of Scale which are internal and external.

        Firstly in the internal economies of scale, it refers to the benefits enjoyed by a firm from the actions it takes. There is the technical Economies of Scale whereby large firms invests in very large and sophisticated machines and equipment, this is where they may enjoy high output, high quality and less pilgerage at lower costs. The large firms enjoy economies of indivisibility from capital. Other than that, there is also the market economies of scale where the large firms enjoy a lot of benefits by bulk buying  such as when  the firms purchase raw materials in large quantity, they may enjoy the following benefits such as disquantity discounts. This enables the firm to enjoy continuous production. Next, the firms could also do bulk selling where the popular products may enjoy bulk clearance, low distribution cost and less warehousing.

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        For financial economies, large firms has an advantage as they have finance choices and therefore the it would be cheaper than the small firms as small firms are charged relatively high. Furthermore, the larger firms would have more security which qualifies the firms to borrow easily. Next, there is the managerial economies whereby the large firms employ very highly and experienced managers to manage every aspect of their business such as production, marketing, human resource, finance and many others. The managers will ensure there are no labour problems and ensure that the firm expands overtime with high productivity but with ...

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