The euro has many effects on businesses and the consumers not only within the Euro zone but also out of it. Firstly I will discuss the advantages of the single currency inside and outside of Europe.

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The euro has many effects on businesses and the consumers not only within the Euro zone but also out of it. Firstly I will discuss the advantages of the single currency inside and outside of Europe.

The first advantage is cheaper transaction costs the single currency will allow countries in the euro zone to trade with each other without changing currencies. This will reduce (but not remove) the transaction costs. It will cost less for companies to make payments between countries within the euro zone. Firms in the euro zone will notice the greatest difference. However, businesses from outside the euro zone which trade with companies inside it will also notice the effects. Easier trading would mean that some countries can specialise in one good or service whilst other countries specialise in others. This would mean that there are more goods available to consumers at a lower price, and lower prices means people have more money to spend on other goods, so there will be a higher standard of living. Also, goods would be able to be transported for a cheaper price between participating countries. So by joining the European currency, there would be more trade available and therefore a wider choice of goods and services to choose from.

Secondly there will be greater price transparency, the single currency will make price differences in different countries in the euro zone more obvious. This may affect companies who charge different prices for their products in countries within the euro zone. On the other hand, companies buying from the euro zone will be able to compare prices more easily. Either way, this will sharpen competition
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The third advantage is that there will be stable exchange rates, the single currency will remove exchange rates between countries in the euro zone. This may lead to better decision making for its companies. If UK companies purchase products priced in euro the exchange rate risk may be transferred to them. It is possible that some domestic UK businesses which do not currently experience exchange rate risk will do so in future.

Another main benefit is that a fixed exchange rate would act as an anchor against inflation.

The single European currency's ease of trade ...

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**** This is a mostly accurate analysis of the effects of joining the euro. With the benefit of hindsight many more points could be made about how it has panned out in reality but this does not detract from this essay.